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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 26th, 2023

  • You already got a bunch of responses on the ranked system so I’ll mention other stuff.

    There are many elements that go into the voting system. Here in Brazil if a candidate doesn’t get over 50% of the votes we do a second poll with just the top two performers, which on top of counting every individual vote instead of grouping them by county, makes it a lot better than the US system. On the other hand, we don’t have anything like the American primaries so we have no say over which candidates are going to run.

    If the US election was like the Brazilian system, Trump wouldn’t have won in 2016. If Brazil used the American system (with just two to three parties), Bolsonaro would probably not even have a party to run on in 2018.

    Other important stuff is how to vote. Here there’s a single day for polls which is a federal holiday and everyone has their own assigned location for voting, which is mandatory (but not really). If you’re away from your designed location you can go to any other to fill a form or even use an app to notify that you can’t vote. In some states it’s also illegal to sell alcohol on election day. You’re not allowed to do anything for a campaign while polls are open but it’s also illegal for cops to arrest anyone (for anything) without flagrant. We can’t vote by mail and we need to have an ID to vote. Oh it’s also illegal to take a picture of your vote or bring people with you while you vote.

    Polling locations are usually the closest school to your house or some other public building that is just a short walk away (except for very small rural towns). However, if you move and don’t change your voting location within a few months or the election, you’ll have to go back to where you lived before in order to vote - too many people never update it and have to go back to their home town every election (or just skip it).

    All of those little things impact the end result because they can help (or prevent) people from voting. In the US, actual access to polls is already being weaponized by parties extensively, but here that is only now starting to be a thing.

    Finally, there are the urns themselves. Here we have electronic urns with closed source code that can be audited by every party. At the end of the day each individual urn prints its own totals which are then displayed to the public and made available on the election website. It’s not a perfect system and if (or more likely when) someone manages to hack it, they could easily change the result of an election, though I believe the systems in place are enough to at the very least expose that such a hack happened. The paper ballots used by the US on the other hand are much easier to fraud, but with much smaller impact to the total vote count (maybe high risk of impacting the results on key counties). Both systems still have a very large room for improvement in terms of fraud safety.

  • Speaking specifically about npm: A ton of packages used as dependencies for a million different things have very loose quality control, some even merge community PRs straight to release without checking the code in any way. More often than not I have run into packages maintained by people with no connection to the original dev and don’t even know how its code actually works.

    I remember a couple years ago I needed to read zip64 files so I picked up the zip file definition and implemented the read operation for it in the package we were using for zips. I only implemented a very small subset of the format to strictly solve my problem. I opened a pr to them saying “here’s some quickstart of you plan to add full support for zip64” - next time I checked they has merged my pr as if was and now were having folks registering issues for incomplete zip64 support.

  • They don’t really need to be high skilled if they are already employed. They’d be bringing money with them, so its basically an expansion on tourism. Opening opportunities for people to travel without having to disconnect from work. It’s specially useful to attract Americans who notoriously don’t get to take vacation leaves.

  • If I were a billionaire I would be investing hard into opening a series of farm hotels for remote workers all over the world, with some sort of membership system that allowed folks to stay in any of them without hassle. I would provide high speed internet, small office rooms and vast contact to nature, healthy food options, sightseeing deals and that sort of stuff, all of them at locations chosen to keep the city centers at arms length - avoiding the city noise but not going too far from it.

    I’m sure this will eventually be a common business, not many years from now (though probably with lower standards than what I described).