I’ve been telling my LGBTQ friends and acquaintances to use signal messenger and get a VPN like mullvad, you can buy vouchers on Amazon.
I’ve been telling my LGBTQ friends and acquaintances to use signal messenger and get a VPN like mullvad, you can buy vouchers on Amazon.
Car parts are going to go way up, that also means the cost of new and used cars is also going to go up, especially with interest rates stabilizing. I’m seeing used cars in the 200k-300k miles range for sale right now. Take care of your car and watch for rust, because that is going to have to last you a long time.
Americans could stand to lose some weight.
It is super annoying when there’s a really slow driver on the highway. Usually the right lane is pretty clean from people driving on it continuously and the left lane is completely fubar. So it’s safe to go faster in the right lane, but very dangerous to pass using the left lane. I’m talking about when there’s two dry tracks with a little bit of snow between them and lots of salt on the road. Safe to go 40-45mph with no issue, but they want to do 25.
We don’t need CSAM on Lemmy, thank you.
That’s pretty much how it is for me unless they’re having problems with the printer or something
Good for rephrasing things when I’m having trouble.
I always used check the spare tire pressure and note of it was low. Nobody’s going to question your thoroughness if you’re checking the spare tire.
I think it really started with the Clinton impeachment, Rush Limbaugh, Fox News, then we had the stolen 2000 election, then 9/11, wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, “support our troops”, anti Muslim rhetoric, then the rise of social media. All coincides with the brainwashed kids/boomers who came out of the heritage foundation. Obviously, the racism and conservatism was always in the background. You could even trace it back further to Regan/Nixon/McCarthy. Also, desegregation.
Get a cheap battery tester. I’ve pulled two batteries from a device and had one completely dead while the other still has a full charge. I keep all my good used batteries in an old clear vhs case.
This is what puts a stop to most legal disputes as well. These company managers are always worked up about the LIABILITY! Of course attourneys are going to tell you to never admit fault, they want to bill for as many hours as possible. Just sitting down and apologizing goes a long way.
Serves eviction notice
You can also run your own instance.
They want you to buy a new phone. My 5a screen died just after 2 years. They had extended the warranty by a year because of screens going bad. If I would have known that I would have tried to get it replaced before the two years was up.
“Each department in this company has developed their own way of doing things. Unfortunately, not every department is giving us information in a way that we can use it to our advantage. We need to get everyone across the company on the same standards so we don’t have any mixups. We can’t help you do your jobs better if we can’t process the information you give us.”
You could always apply your 3d printing knowledge over to cnc milling of custom grips and stocks and engraving.
If you haven’t watched technology connections on dishwashers, you should use powder or liquid detergent, not pods. The pods don’t add anything to the pre rinse cycle. You should also run your tap on hot until hot water comes out before you start the dishwasher. The pre-rinse cycle uses very little water and the dishwasher is connected to the hot water supply on your sink. It might not actually get hot water at all if you don’t.
So what kind of game are you making?