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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 2nd, 2023


  • I totally get where you’re coming from but wanted to put the counterpoint, as obvious as it was.

    She was caring for those who nobody else could for at that time, and to generally good effect day to day.

    I’ve worked in group homes and know of the challenges you face in serving those who aren’t all that stable.

    Just would never have advocated for that solution for anyone really. All that is said with historical knowledge and such.

    Yours was a good post.

    She was trying her best with that she had and knew at the time, even if she overreacted in the end, to terrible effect.

  • Knights of the Old Republic.

    I’d heard for many years how amazing they were, so I finally tried them.

    Each game has a major plot twist. Both are obvious enough but if you google anything the spoiler in the first game is ruined.

    The one in the second I was assured was a better game but apparently only if you download the unofficial patch that finishes the game, and it still can’t save the game from the obvious fucking fact you’ve been carrying around the BBEG since the goddamned beginning while everyone tried to pretend otherwise.

    People want remakes of these games primarily for nostalgia, and they do not hold up.

  • I’ve done a lot of self-forgiveness in recent years, so a lot of the simpler and sillier ones I don’t think of as embarrassing anymore.

    Could be the time I flipped a guy off after he cut me off and I missed a light. He saw me in his mirror and started freaking out and swerving, almost hit a curb.

    I didn’t mean to ruin his day. Just letting off steam.

    Either that or the time I drove on the shoulder to avoid a car stopped in the middle of the road. When I merged back she had started to move and we collided. Totally my fault.

    I only realized later that due to her age, location, and stickers on her car from a nearby Catholic University that I’d probably hit a nun.

  • She was named Beta, a yellow lab who was housed with a yorkshire terrier, constantly yapping and nipping at her.

    Eventually she snapped.

    At the time the owner was pregnant so there was no way they could take the risk.

    My wife and I adopted her because we already had another dog from the litter, her sister Violet. We renamed her to Veda.

    Never had a problem. She growls softly when her lines are crossed but is otherwise a perfectly snuggly girl. Getting on in years but still with us.

  • Pronell@lemmy.world
    toAsk Lemmy@lemmy.world*Permanently Deleted*
    2 months ago

    I’m not agreeing with him at all but that’s a strange jump to take.

    I’d say that secondary sexual characteristics in women tend to involve body fat. Being in extremely good shape does affect that a little bit - breasts, hips, face, ass, - and some would see that as looking more masculine where I’d say they’re just extremely fit.

    Somehow roundness and softness is ‘feminine.’

  • This is a very good way to say it.

    I love my country for its heart, its people, its ideals.

    I mourn my country for its ignorance, its failures, and its systemic ills.

    I hate my country for what it has done to most of the rest of the world in trying to ‘supposedly’ promote freedom and democracy.

    It’s a very complicated thing, patriotism. And it means nothing if you have it while your eyes are closed to reality.

  • Some things about it are true in minor ways, like frowning brings your mood down. Being nice to others feels better, so you start to feel a little better for having done so.

    And knowing that this actually has an impact on the people around you helps you become more empathetic.

    I’m a better leader for my team at work because I’m not depressed all the time. I know it, they know it, and it helps.

    I didn’t make it. But I’m no longer faking it as much.