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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 22nd, 2023


  • I had a temporary relationship with a rich semi-celebrity and lent a thumbdrive and they took it assuming I was just giving it to them… in fact they assume a lot of what people do ,paid and not paid, is just in service to them and cannot accurately gauge what to do in interaction not involving servitude.

    They also had a bowl of change they didn’t want assuming just giving it to someone such as myself was ‘more money than I’ve ever seen’. …like they don’t understand the difference between homelessness and regular working people on a wage. They just assume we all blur in together.

  • In a goal of progress, it’s best not to compare.

    We could argue the world of today is better and in some ways it’s worse.

    We don’t burn lead in gas anymore though perhaps in future there will be a better way to provide energy to transportation.

    Minority rights are a lot further in many ways than they were before. tomorrow we will be much further than we are today.

    The type of slavery we had before was far worse. We could still do better though.

    People with 4th stage cancer actually have a chance now where they didn’t before. Hopefully tomorrow there will be a true cure.

    Computers have made many jobs easier. Though they do have known flaws that it seems only computer scientists know about. General public still over fantasize computers are capable producing real life level intelligence today. One day someone will fix all those computational faults and then yea, computers will be super powerful but possibly even more scarier. Hopefully after that someone does reign it in…hopefully.

    Internet made WFH a possibility which has lead to less impact on our environment with travelling. But it also made a direct gateway for scammers and pedos to be a lot more effective and dangerous. Perhaps in the future there will be a better way to prevent such activity.

    On a political level I’d say we are way more polarized compared to what we used to be. This comes down to us though. Not just whoever is president. We are many someones who make up this world and have just as much to answer for acting like monsters while a monster rules a country.

    there is always room for improvement.

  • I’ve had an extremely physically abusive ex sign up for things under my name, leaving me to fight to have to cancel it. Even had to get a case number with this person.

    I’ve had a teacher who tried to fail me for no other reason than they didn’t like my opinion on a project despite I was the only student who finished that project while everyone bailed for no other reason than it was summer.

    I’ve had ex friends who would emotionally abuse me for no reason other than they were emotionally fucked up people like: Take off in the middle of the party pretend to be upset.didn’t tell us where she went. Try to call them. They wouldn’t return the call for 4 days leaving everyone worried about them. They were completely fine. They played the ‘im just an introvert’ bullshit. I know it’s bullshit cuz I am introvert and that’s not what introvert does nor is it an excuse. This asshole went on to do more shit like invite people she knew I had issues with expecting us to fight so she could be entertained fucking around with people. Luckily the other person caught on what was going on so we just played nice. We both felt used. She pulled the ‘I’m not picking sides’ which is picking sides. She did this to both of us I’m sure. The last straw was her involvement when I had been seeing a guy which ended badly. he was kind of an asshole and I was fresh out of a long term anyways and figured it was too soon anyways. So we just never called each other again and moved on. He started seeing one of her friends. But then would show up in my neighborhood and it felt like he was following me. Would show up to parties my own friends were having and my own department parties and ask about me, wondering when I’d arrive(we worked at same company but entirely different depts). When I told her I felt uneasy about him and felt a bit stalked she dismissed me. Told me he was not into me. I never spoke again to her after that. She was a wreck herself anyways. Kept hitting on one of my other friends who was feeling a bit creeped out by her. And dated a guy who was cheating on his girlfriend with her. Then he saw yet another woman…whom she got jealous of but…anyways… glad I just moved away from that shitshow.

    I had one ex friend who cried in computer class who was being bullied whom I thought I’d help out. They took the side of the bully and they both turned on me.

    I could go on but there isn’t really a point to it. I learned some important stuff from this. Like boundaries. To watch and wait before jumping in to help. To observe other people for longer before trusting. To observe other people and their intent better.

    But what was really important for me was to seek out the better people to surround myself with. They are out there. dwelling on this kind of bullshit serves nothing more than to overlook, distract from counting the good people in my life. Con artists are everywhere so don’t give them too much of your time and don’t let them live in your head free of rent. And don’t take up a reservation for resentment. Then all the good people get missed. Focus on the good ones. Don’t take them for granted.it’s real easy to turn into an asshole and not realize it when you start taking that for granted. So remember the good. Make it an intention.

  • Essentially all my young life I was treated like a dork because I was finding ways to reuse containers for lunch rather than get disposables. This is going back well before it was common knowledge.

    Yes I was that person who had my own cotton mesh bags for veggies. Yes I got a lot of judgy looks especially from the middle aged ladies. I just embraced being seen as a dork. Figured out early I wanted to be on right side of history even if that meant I wasn’t ‘cool’. As far as I cared, this Shit went beyond me and my ego/confidence.

    Now those who called me a dork not only pretend like it didn’t happen but often pass on unsolicited information to me about reuse that is now very common knowledge.

    Current day I’m like yea… you have to wash it because reuse isn’t just reuse. It’s also wash well to reuse so you don’t get sick. And occasionally you stil have to throw things out that become contaminated. This part still isn’t ‘common knowledge’ yet…smh.

  • I think the key word there is consent. And the other important topic is distribution.

    Would you consent to having your picture taken naked is different to someone taking a picture without you knowing or them asking for consent. If you wanted the picture of you naked and the person wanted to take a picture of you naked, both sides consented. But then how it is distributed is another matter. You can still not have the consent a person would need to distribute the picture. This is why it’s becoming illegal in more and more countries to show a naked picture to someone you took with your phone even if that person consented to have the picture taken that does not mean they consent to you to distribute it acting on behalf as their agent. In cases where this has happened the person poses or sends the picture to one person they want to have it. That isn’t agency to distribute it or/and make money off of it.

    A person taking a shit in public or changing with the door open are both examples of giving consent to be publicly seen if you’re deciding to do the act however the witnesses to it are not giving consent to have it in their space to be forced to see it. But then should one of the witnesses have a cel phone and film you shitting or changing in public, this also falls into the you-didn’t-consent to how it’s distributed.

    The whole privacy issue is it is done entirely without one person giving consent to have their information distributed. Even if you did consent to give that person some personal information, they then decide without your consent to act as your agent about your personal information in how it’s distributed.