• 5 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 15th, 2023


  • Trail cam footage might have some potential to capture the whole physics-doing-their-thing incidents.

    CCTV footage of a heavy cabinet falling over is 100% going to be a hoax. It’s always going to be something like front loading to make the center of gravity unstable with a release mechanism that the angle doesn’t show, or on a steeply inclined surface but with forced camera perspective to make it look like level ground. Movie magic. If you want good movie magic, look for paranormal movies with a decent budget and praise for practical effects - no random on the internet is gonna do a better job of that than Hollywood.

    If you want unexplained phenomena, honestly I’d steer you away from the word ‘paranormal’ cuz that’s just gonna get you theatrical shit; and turn instead to things like physics that deal with sub-atomic-tiny or like supermassive-black-hole-huge. We don’t have a great understanding of physics extremes, so diving down those rabbit holes give a similar “…bruh what the fuck did I just watch…” but without watering it down with some dramatic asshole on screen saying shit like “WAS IT SPIRITS?? ARE THEY TRYING TO COMMUNICATE WITH US???”

    Theoretical physics too… like, watching a clip on the point-line-plane postulate up to the 10th dimension will have you nodding along thinking “holy shit this makes sense!” but then when you try to explain to someone later you’ll be hit with this Lovecraftian madness cuz without the lecture holding your hand through the entire process, you don’t actually retain near enough to articulate it lol.

  • Sorry, all I had was a pun.

    Tbh, your best bet is probably the ‘related’ videos of the ones you linked… but you kinda called it in your first edit - you’re gonna get a lot of edited, scripted, etc crap cuz that’s what 99% of paranormal footage is. The remaining 1% is stuff like this - just physics doing its thing, but super rare conditions that most of us have never heard of before that when it happens in the field of view of our dumbass monkey brains we tend to just pin an explanation to like “I saw a ghost/angel/alien/etc!”

  • They have a great relationship with the other students too, most of which are women. They’re legit decent people - I’m pretty happy with this program.

    I do see sexism at work though - I’m a surgical tech, and I’ve noticed a lot of docs are WAY more forgiving to my fuckups than to my female peers. It’s so fucking awkward to be on the receiving end of favoritism. …and yeah, anytime something needs to be lifted, I’m the mule by default.

  • In nursing school right now. Pleased to say I’m having the opposite experience - I’m the guy that’s always asking questions, running study groups, and debating the prof after tests to try to get questions thrown out and boost everyone’s grade. So… pretty much everyone in the program, student and staff, knew my name and face from day 1… and I’ve had an awesome relationship so far with all of them.

    It’s been difficult, but very gratifying and at times even fun.

    Your instructors were shit.

  • Well yeah, but that’s why I dislike the quote. It doesn’t say what it means. Every example of what it intends to convey kinda falls back to the spruce vs pine thing to the uneducated eye. It doesn’t matter if I understand how the alien antigravity socks work -if they’re tech, they’re tech. Hell, I don’t understand how the cell phone I’m posting from works. It could literally be filled with tiny wizards who are actively casting a spell to send my thoughts to Lemmy - I dunno, and I can’t verify. I’m reasonably confident that’s not the case: despite all the functions this device is capable of that do indeed feel magical, that doesn’t make it magical.

  • “Sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic.”

    God I hate that quote. I can’t tell the difference between a spruce and a pine, but that doesn’t make them indistinguishable, just means I don’t know what the fuck I’m looking at. Magic and tech are definitively distinct. Our monkey brains might mistake one for the other, but like the spruce and pine, that does NOT make them indistinguishable.

    Edit - Bruh what’s with the downvotes?? We’re here to express an unpopular opinion, cut me some slack!