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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 2nd, 2023

  • Almost all of them. I rarely finish a game. For a variety of reasons, all added together. The closer I get to the end, the more I want to put it off if I’m enjoying a game, so I will keep finding more and more nuanced stuff to do instead. A new game comes out and I eventually completely forget one of the 10 games I’m currently actively playing when it temporarily becomes 11, then back down to 10. My friends stop playing a game, but my character relied on them… maybe I’ll just start over with a character that can solo. Maybe that game will just go on the pile of “not today, but I’ll play it soon”, until it’s been in the pile so long that there isn’t much point anymore.

    I should mention I am autistic and likely adhd but I haven’t got that diagnosed yet. So while some of this is probably normal behaviours, some of it probably isn’t too.

  • While I agree with your premise, I don’t like that your list is what came to mind when you thought of unnecessary laws. Those are some of the best laws we have. It sucks being hypersensory and trying to live a real life, and literally 25% of the population is. With hyposensory people (another 25% of the population) just acting like we are all whiners for experiencing every sense as much as 4x as strongly as they do. “No one could possibly be that annoyed by something that barely affects me, they are just too sensitive”. Well, yes. Technically that is the problem, but our sensitivity is physical and not by choice.

  • You know all the stories in the bible existed in other religions before yours? Just with different names and slightly different details here and there. Every religion was made up by people from slightly altered previous religions… it’s, comically enough, just another example of evolution.

    All religions are about why people shouldn’t be jerks, but most of us don’t need to believe anyone is watching us to behave. Stories are helpful, but they don’t have to have any “magic” to get their point accross. Just examples of things people don’t like or do like is enough to make it a good guiding story. A god figure is superfluous and unnecessary.

  • I recently got my 35 year old car appraised and despite me buying it for $3500 13 years ago and putting nearly no work into it in that time, it’s now worth $12000. Unfortunately I love the car and am unlikely to sell it. But about 1/3rd of the times I drive it, some random person will come up to me in a parking lot asking if I would ever consider selling it, so if I do it’ll probably be pretty easy to sell. The car is a mark 3 Toyota supra in white, with a modest tasteful bodykit that seems to have proven to be ahead of it’s time appearance-wise.

    I know with what the entire used car market is like now, that’s not as unexpected as most of these other posts, but it was certainly unexpected to me. Someone just told me out of the blue to get it appraised, so it got me curious enough to go through with it.

  • Look around in real life, a full third of adult women have small breasts. It’s a totally normal thing for an adult to have small breasts. Also, it’s pretty normal for adult women to be shorter than 5’8", again a full third of adult women are shorter than that. Should these women be excluded and treated poorly for something they had no choice in? Should guys feel bad if they find that third of adult women more attractive than the ones that are going to need surgery at some point just to continue normal life? Breast size in real life and especially in fake content has gotten disturbingly out of hand.

    Liking ladies that are physically fit instead of overweight is a pretty normal thing. Sure they’ll have “smaller” breasts without all the extra fat in them, but some of us find the extra fat to be gross instead of “better”. I’m glad there are people that prefer it, because those women need love too. But I like dancers, gymnasts and athletes better instead, sorry.

  • The most important thing, no chair can solve the problem of uninterrupted sitting for 8+ hours. No matter what you spend or what materials they use. Sitting for 8+ hours will slowly do permanent damage to your body. No matter what chair you sit in, stand up occasionally, take little walks, do exercises or calisthenics or something, whatever feels right for you.

    I’m Autistic and when I play videogames I can get so hyperfocused that I don’t realise the outside world has moved forward a whole day. Until something physically interrupts my gameplay. So I set timers now, and I strictly obey them. Nothing short of surgery will ever heal my tailbone issue, but I can at least prevent it from getting worse.

    I also have a standing desk, so I will swap it between standing and sitting every 2 hours if I don’t want to take breaks. And I have a VR headset for using my computer from different chairs; a recliner, a kitchen chair, anything different from my computer chair. I also use the VR headset for most of my non-computer gaming. It has become my current console gaming platform.

    VR games are a great way to spend 8+ hours uninterrupted in a game without causing body problems, lol. Plus, if it’s mixed reality, you can still do real life stuff while playing, like walking over and getting a glass of water or talking to and interacting with the other people in the room. In full Virtual reality it’s still a good idea to have timers set, just as a check-in, if you have been standing still in the game, your knees could need some exercise, if you are hungry or thirsty or have to go to the bathroom… you know, the kinds of things you might not notice while the game is running, hehe.

  • Tarquinn2049@lemmy.worldtolinuxmemes@lemmy.worldNvidia...
    6 months ago

    When the marketing department is more important to a company than the customer support. Rather than actually help the customers, they just make sure customer support never says anything bad about their products. Including the problems they have/had in the patch notes.

    “These are too many fixes, listing them all will make us look bad.”