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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: August 30th, 2023


  • TheFriar@lemm.eetoaww@lemmy.worldCuddle Puddle
    8 days ago

    Oh man. My tortie had a stroke a few years back, affecting her back end. She’s regained the ability to walk and run and jump mostly, but she does it on gimpy back legs. She walks on her hocks, so her knobby back knees make contact with the ground. So when she runs, she really hops kinda like a bunny. She clomps around, and her tail doesn’t move either. So she’s had a rough go of it. But the back feet curls have increased tenfold when she’s lying down. It’s pretty adorable.

  • I’ll give you some anecdotal evidence.

    I make okay money. Not great, but I’m not starving. Lower middle class, probably. But I’m a single man, so if I had a family I’d be lower class no question. (This all just to give you an idea of my income without sharing my personal data online, we’re all working class)

    I tried getting insurance this year, and the cheapest plan I could find was $700/mo. That means I pay an insurance company $700 every month, whether I go to the doctor or not. Now, if I were going for a general checkup, I’d pay a “copay,” so a base cost for the office visit. Probably $40-$50.

    Then, depending on what I get done, tests, lab work, medicine, I’d still probably pay at least a portion of that, the medicine is likely to be discounted.

    But then there’s this thing called a “deductible.” That means I have to spend the amount of the deductible in the year out of my own pocket before the insurance company would be paying for anything major. My deductible for this $700/mo plan was something like $7,000. Something like that, $5-$7k. That’s my cost before the insurance company is obligated to pay for anything. Small stuff they’ll probably cover (depending on the doctor I went to…) but before I spend that $7k of my own money in this calendar year, they’re not gonna pay for much of anything, if really anything at all.

    So before we get into the absurdity of how much medicinal care costs here, there’s all that insanely stupid system to pay off and figure out.

  • Oh my god the irony of this comment is almost too much.

    I started out this entire goddamn odyssey of a conversation doing nothing more than suggesting you change your tact. Telling you i support what you’re doing but think you’re going about it all wrong.

    You got snarky—even though you entirely misunderstood what I said. And continued misunderstanding what I was saying. Calling you out on doing your cause no favors and me getting annoyed that I couldn’t get my point across has nothing to do with….anything that you’re now trying to make me think this conversation has ever been about lol

  • No.

    No. Like, what is your damage?

    For real. How are you not understanding what I’m saying?

    I’m saying you’re not doing veganism any favors by being a dick. Holy shit, I literally have run out of ways to put what I’m saying. I’d like to see the idea stop getting shit on by people online. And people like you, being a dick, make that unlikely. Veganism is already facing an uphill battle in the likeability/image department, thanks to organizations like PETA and their annoying, obnoxious antics. You, being a dick about veganism makes that hill even steeper. Are you…grasping this yet?

  • That’s…not what I’m saying. At all. Are you…reading what I’m writing? I literally can’t make it any clearer.

    You, (as in you, the person I’m talking to) are being a dick (a douchebag, a pissant, an annoying prick). And you being a dick (douchebag, pissant, et. al) makes trying to stop others (other people on the internet; people who are not you; meat eaters) from hating all vegans (other people; not yous who also happen to subscribe to and live the vegan lifestyle).

    You being a dick makes vegans look like assholes. And looking like assholes makes people hate vegans even more. Stop it.

  • Are you-

    Um. I don’t know what’s even happening here. How do you not get what I’m saying.

    Just fyi, when I’m trying to stem the flow of vegan hate I see online, I find way, way, way more success in not being an obnoxious asshole.

    Or put another way: “it’s best when trying to make sure not everyone hates a good cause, to not be a total dick.” (Read: you’re being a total dick and not helping your cause.)

    It’s a stupid trend, bashing and shitting all over vegans and vegetarians saying the habit is a good thing.

    “I understand it’s a stupid trend that people on the internet hate vegans and anyone speaking positively about veganism/vegetarianism.”

    Don’t make it harder for everyone else to get on board with this kind of shit.

    “You’re making sticking up for veganism/vegans much harder by, as mentioned before, being a dick.”

    Get it now?

  • I’m all for people being vegan and vegetarian. I just wanted to follow up on this with a question: what about genetically engineered fruit/veg? Or greenhouses? Really, what’s the difference between a lab and a greenhouse when it comes to making food? I just don’t see the lab thing making any sense. We eat a ton of stuff grown in what is essentially food labs. Kitchens are food labs, especially the bigger ones. Don’t eat the lab grown meat, all fine with me. I just think the distinction is strange.

  • So…your dilemma is that you’re miserable and wish you weren’t. But you refuse to change.

    So you’re determined to stay miserable. If that’s the case, fine. Do you, but don’t expect other people to have sympathy for you if you’re just an unrelenting asshole and trying to pawn off the responsibility for your misery on others.

    Read some Camus. But hE’s DeAD sO fUCk hIm right?

    Get over yourself. Change if you don’t want to be miserable. But if you’re determined not to, stop fucking asking everyone to validate your feelings.