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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 2nd, 2023


  • I have gotten flamed a few times for telling the Linux fanboys the hard truth.

    If I have to hit Terminal even once with an average setup the OS is not ready for mainstream use. No exceptions. It has to work out of the box on the newest systems.

    I use Linux the same way that you have: for a few applications that need a rock solid stable system. Once you get the damn thing setup, it truly is wonderful. Stable, reliable, easy to use. But getting there… Fuck that.

    I think I had one clean distro install where everything worked. The PC was 7 years old when I installed it.

  • Mac did have a better OS than Win 95 -Win98 It was smoother and crashed less.

    The difference was that Windows still ran DOS programs, 5.25" floppy disks etc… They made the decision to maintain backwards compatibility.

    Mac decided to drop support regularly for what they considered “outdated software and technology.” For example: when USB drives came out they canceled support for 3.5" floppies in their OS. Machines that had a 3.5" drive installed could no longer use it. Put a floppy drive in and nothing happened.

    Although Mac was a smoother more stable OS, windows had more functionality and greater compatability. Windows was a far superior product because of it. Even with the regular apearance of the blue screen of death.

    Linux at the time also suffered from being a terminal based OS. Too much like DOS for way too long. I used it for specific tasks where it excelled at.

  • If you are not a neat person it’s hard to change to one when you have kids. A few tricks that my wife and I learned.

    Have smaller places for everything to go. We used the cube storage units, small bins etc. Young children’s find things by doing the toy dump. The smaller the bin the less toys are dumped. It’s amazing how much this helps. To contain the mess.

    Make picking up the entire house part of the bedtime routine. It’s pointless to do it in the mornings or during the day. 10 minutes later and it’s a mess everywhere. While they pickup, you lightly clean, run the vacuum, sweep, run the dishwasher etc.

    The largest issue is the deep clean. Getting all those jobs done that you just can’t get do easily with young kids underfoot. We made enough money to afford to hire a college student to deep clean once a week. It was 4 hours once a week on Saturday morning. One of us would clean with the college student while the other took the kids out to do things away from the house. We had no family nearby otherwise we would have done what my Sister-in-law did. Drop the kids off at the grandparents for a few hours while she and her husband cleaned.

  • It’s the same as the violent crime statistics from the FBI. The crime rate pre-1960’s was vastly under-reported. During the 70’s and 80’s cultural acceptance of violent crime declined so more crimes were reported.

    An excellent example is pre-1950’s spousal and child abusers were rarely if ever reported. Most people considered it a husbands right to beat the shit out of their wife and kids. As acceptance of the behavior decreased, reporting increased.

    The most recent one that has seen a huge change is rape. The highest rate of rape are in communities with the lowest reporting. For example, Mormons, Jehovah Witnesses, Scientologist, baptist and anabaptist groups have horrendous rape victim shaming cultures.

    There is still large sections of the U.S. population that are okay with rape. Say anyone wearing a MAGA hat. However this is changing with the younger generations. Acceptance is declining and serial rapist are beginning to be held accountable.

  • There is also less memorable significant changes/events in your life. Think about all the memorable firsts or unique events and schedule changes that you had in your teens/early 20’s.

    A new grade every year in education, new teachers, new students, learning to drive, first drinks, first relationship, first apartment, how many shitty jobs you left for a “better one?”.

    Then compare it to the lfe as you get older. Same job or similar job. Same people for decades. Same house, same favorite restaurants, etc…

    Your brain isn’t going to remember the month you spent staring at an excel spreadsheets the same way. It’s going to lump that month together as “boring shit to mostly forget”.

  • The_v@lemmy.worldtoFediverse@lemmy.worldSomeone needs help
    7 months ago

    The groups need an established core of well informed and experienced people to work together and shape the culture of the community. The moderation team also needs to be responsive and consistent.

    I got pulled into being part of one of those teams years ago. It was a pretty simple formula to make the community healthy: The creeps/spammers got banned and reported. The ignorant got educated in a logical and coherent manner by a team approach. The trolls were played with for a while then banned when they eventually violated a rule.

    A good group can save lives and help a lot of people. A bad one can further harm the already damaged and vulnerable. There are many of both groups out there.