I like to joke that the world actually did end in 2012 and now we’re in a weird purgatory type thing.
I like to joke that the world actually did end in 2012 and now we’re in a weird purgatory type thing.
I’ve definitely dreamed or seated on project ideas off and on for years. I also like to think about pared down versions that might serve as a proof of concept that would be easier to execute. Sometimes I actually even build a thing.
I like the trees in the background.
ChatGPT says yes.
Will it? That’s pretty cool.
Having a single community that spans across instances is the big thing holding back more people from using Lemmy. You love topic X? Well which of the 5 communities dedicated to it do you wanna join? Just a confusing and suboptimal experience.
Never hired a sex worker but I have known a few. Reputable agencies want to know who you are. If you think this transaction will be anonymous, you’re either dreaming or intending on using the wrong kind of sex worker.
My leg would like a word with you.
Source: my leg.
They definitely sting humans if needed.
I’m doing my part too!
I use Morse code spelling out SOS as my alert for “oh shit”.
I thought he was on the femboy breeding college instance 🤔
This entire thread sucks and is breaking the rule about being respectful. Please stop.
Implying that those who disagree with you are subhuman is right out of the fascism playbook and it’s definitely not being respectful of others. You can hold that opinion and you can even broadcast it widely on the internet. The rules in this community says to be respectful of others and that by it’s very definition is not. I’m not interested in arguing further, and I’m definitely not interesting in talking geopolitics with you. I want you to be respectful of others and if you can’t, I’ll remove the content and ban you from the community. If others are not being respectful, report them and I’ll review that too.
I don’t care about the content of what you are talking about. The community rules say to be respectful of others. And you aren’t. I asked you to stop but you want to argue.
I think saying that any group of humans “aren’t people” isn’t being respectful of others. Please stop.
This headline was the subtle push I needed to donate to Videolan. What an amazing project, we’re lucky to have it.
Overpriced for what they are? Agreed. Weird elitism from some of the user base? Absolutely.
You sound almost as zealous when you say:
tried out Mac os and ios every major update, and found it to be entirely unenjoyable
I get that it’s not for you which is fine, but you tried every release of MacOS and iOS and hated them all? Okay bud.
This seems like it might bring the worker happiness, better fix that stat.
I too liked House of the Dragon
My arm is asleep but I don’t want to disturb her.