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Cake day: July 1st, 2023


  • TranscendentalEmpire@lemm.eetoaww@lemmy.worldIt's just not fair!
    1 month ago

    As an avid backpacker, I’m not stoked about the plan to reintroduce brown bears to my state.

    I do a lot of hiking as well, and yes brown bears are definitely more of a pucker your b-hole scenario. But for the most part as long as you don’t sneak up on one accidentally or accidentally get between the bear and the cubs, they’re fairly harmless. Ya just gotta have something that makes some noise when you’re hiking, I have buddies that just strap a cow bell on their packs.

    It would still be pretty rare for one to outright attack a full grown person, they are generally aware that peeps be dangerous.

  • TranscendentalEmpire@lemm.eetoaww@lemmy.worldIt's just not fair!
    2 months ago

    It’s kinda why I never got the whole would you rather thing. As a fairly big dude, I’d much prefer the bear over a man or a woman. The bear is more than likely just going to scamper off. Even decent people in bad situations are very dangerous creatures, and more than likely, I’m just going to have to take care of a complete stranger in the woods.

  • I’ve never personally heard the dark forest scenario as requiring ftl tech,

    FTL is the only thing that makes it applicable to game theory. If there is no import to respond instantly, then there is no imperative to respond.

    The query is dependent on the hypothetical that the instant someone spots you in the dark Forrest they have an option of removing you from the game unless you remove them first.

    making that a requirement seems to make the entire premise moot as it requires throwing a pretty fundamental part of physics out to even contemplate.

    So does going to war with an alien race, or even finding another sentient race? How are you supposing these aliens are finding every sentient race in the galaxy if they can’t push a search signal faster than an electron? It would take thousands of years for a signal to travel to the closest potential suitable planet, let alone every suitable planet.

    The theory itself requires a suspense in disbelief, as do any that pertain to encounters of the third kind. I would say that the limitations in physics that prevent the possibility of FTL are of the same order and magnitude that prevent us from contacting aliens.

  • was presuming that nobody has any ftl tech, given that it seems to violate the laws of physics for such a technology to exist

    But the entire premise of the Dark Forrest theory is dependent on FTL. It is what gives the participants in the theory the motivation to respond instantly.

    And you can look virtually everywhere, in the galaxy at least, with the right technology

    This notion is just as fantastic as the idea of FTL. Even if we’re to accept that flt is theoretically possible, the machines building machines senario you spoke of would be moot. If these machines were to traveled a significant enough distance, by the time they or their signal returned it would be hundreds of if not thousands of years later.

    There is no way to observe the rest of the galaxy along the same access of time we currently observe. Even if you had the capability of finding another society so far away, it wouldn’t really mean much, the light or energy you used to observe them is likely hundreds of not thousands of years old. Meaning the image or information it contains is by default “out of date”.

  • Fortunately for us, this one isn’t too likely, because realistically, an alien civilization capable of travelling the relevant distance and destroying another civilization isn’t something that can be hidden from.

    I mean its entirely dependent on whatever theoretical sci-fi gimmick utilized to close that gap. Are we betting on FTL, near the speed of light, or the left field entry … intra dimensional travel?

    The dark Forrest theory is mostly dependent on FTL, where the ability to destroy a planet is on par with the discovery of the planet. Meaning that it’s not so much a seek and destroy scenario, but more like two scared drunks stumbling in the dark with loaded shot guns.

    They should be able, fairly easily, to examine every planet in the galaxy and see which ones have life on them, and wipe it out before any civilization ever arises at all.

    Again, this theory isn’t supposing that there is a omnipresent alien race, but that all species are searching in the dark with a flashlight. Just because you have the ability to look everywhere, doesn’t mean that you can look everywhere at once, and the universe is infinite.

    The fact that we exist at all necessarily implies that nobody in this galaxy has been committed to going this, at least for the past billion years or so.

    Again, this presumes that just because you have FTL tech means you have limitless resource and man power. When in reality the theory presupposes that FTL increases resource competition, not diminishes it.

  • The whole jet fuel can’t melt steel beams theory also requires a flawed understanding of thermodynamics to work. A fire’s fuel is just part of the equation needed for temperature output. A coal fire will naturally burn around 900c, but with the proper air flow behind it, you can increase it to 1200c.

    The theory is also dependent on people assuming that jet fuel is the primary combustion material, instead of what it really was, the primary ignition source. It was the early 00’s, a time before the age of digital storage, and that building had literally tons of paper in their storage rooms. Office fires are known to get very hot, there are plenty of pictures on the Internet of steel joists in an office building “melting” from just a regular old paper fire.

    Finally, there is a difference between heat and temperature. Heat is the rate of which energy is transferred to material, temperature is how hot or cold something is. Meaning a large cooler fire may transfer more heat energy to a structure than a smaller hotter fire. It’s the equivalence of throwing a bar of iron in a bonfire compared to heating one end of the iron bar with a torch.

  • I was a customer going all the way back to oneplus 2, but after my last two phones, never again.

    My oneplus 6pro’s camera developed a bug that wouldn’t allow anything in focus, and it persisted after sending it back to the factory.

    My oneplus Nord developed a memory issue that would constantly save bug reports to system memory anytime you had 5g enabled. It would basically require a complete system wipe after the end of the day. Pretty sure they didn’t even open it up when I sent it back for repairs.

    The hardware is shit, and the customer service is even worse. I really can’t believe they have the gall to charge people flagship prices for such shitty product and service.

  • TranscendentalEmpire@lemm.eetoFediverse@lemmy.worldThe fediverse in a nutshell
    7 months ago

    Your views are completely ignorant to what the entire point of the fediverse even is.

    I think you are missing his point, that the fediverse in large parts is failing to live up to its own aspirations. Yes, of course the people who gravitated to the fediverse expect more independence and self organization, but I think people also expected some semblance of cooperation and community.

    It feels like instead of having one large empire ruled by an emperor, we’re instead in a divided land ruled by hundreds of kings. The abuses are the same, but more localized.

    Yes you can move on to the next realm once you make an enemy of some minor tyrant, but this also forces people to be more transient. Which isn’t amicable to creating a long lasting community with lots of engagement.

    Reddit has it’s problems, everyone here already knows that. But, that shouldn’t prevent us from engaging in self criticism about the fediverse. A system that can’t be criticized is a system doomed to stagnation.