• 1 Post
Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: August 15th, 2023


  • I agree on both points. Every time I’ve tried to talk to her about how mistreated she is at her job, we end up in a fight, so I’ve stopped trying. We don’t argue much at all, have been together 25 years, and next to no issues. But she feels that it’s just normal to be treated like crap at a job, and you just have to deal with it as it won’t be any better anywhere else, and may be much worse. The only job she ever had where she was treated well, and paid great got shut down for some tax fraud stuff no-one who worked there knew about. That doesn’t help her confidence in finding something decent.

  • No, I’m retired now, but used to be a software engineer.

    Long story short: The main reason I drink so much water is that I was in a bad accident in 2006 that required a knee replacement, I spent nearly a year on my back and gained a ton of wait in that time. As the years went on gained even more, ballooning up to 470 lbs. In Nov of 2019 I finally decided to do something about it. Water was one of the things I used to help me lose the weight, and I was surprised how well it worked. Now I’m down to 260 lbs with a long way still to go before I reach my goal of 180lbs. I still drink a crap ton of water to help feel full and to curb my apatite.

  • This just happened:

    • Wife was promoted to a managment position in the company 1 year ago.
    • Was given a list of things they wanted her to accomplish.
    • She not only checked off ever item on the list, but exceeded the expectations, sometimes by 10,000% and way faster then they expected.
    • Told weekly by her boss how impressed they are, and how great she is doing, and how much of an asset she is.
    • A meeting with the management team was held a month ago (mid August). Wife was not invited, despite being part of that team.
    • Merit raises are given out every year, between 3% and 10% depending on performance, wife finds out yesterday (9/21/23) that she is only getting the 3%.

    I’m more pissed then she is, and I don’t want to fight with her about it, but if it was me, I’d have quit on the spot.