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Joined 9 months ago
Cake day: October 20th, 2023


  • Yep. No different to Reddit on that. I’ve posted reasonable comments that were maybe a personal anecdote under someone else’s anecdote and I got downvoted and before the pitchforks come out because I mentioned downvoted, I don’t care about the points, it’s that the comments that seem harmless are being downvoted instead of someone actually saying what’s wrong with it. Sometimes I’ve been an ass and I’ll hold my hand up to that and those comments deserve negativity but something that’s personal experience that’s being shared that gets a negative reaction is shitty. In a recent example I commented under someone on ADHD that I don’t like cold leftovers, I’ve ADHD and I have autistic traits, I would get tested but the waiting list on the NHS would be near a decade and private which I can’t afford is no better. I was tested again 7-9 but it was inconclusive at that time my ADHD symptoms were a lot more prominent. I mentioned maybe it’s a sensory thing for me as I don’t like the texture of cold leftovers and that comment was downvoted. ADHD people can have sensory issues too. Sucks because on the ADHD subreddit I wouldn’t have been downvoted and would’ve had comments in reply that detailed others experiences.

  • I wish I just had gastric issues. IBD is basically inflammation of the bowel that’s caused by the immune system being in overdrive so basically the immune system is attacking the bowel. So it causes frequent need for the toilet in my case between 10 times to 20 times a day, I’ve had a temporary form of arthritis that caused swelling on my feet, I regularly suffer anemia and all the symptoms with that, I’ve lost weight, I was a UK large in clothes and now they’re baggy as fuck on me so I could be a small now, I end up with no appetite so I end up going days without eating or only eating a sandwich, I regularly haven’t slept for a months because I have to get up every hour for the toilet and with IBD when you need to go you need to go no, there’s no such thing as holding it. It’s also a chronic illness/disease so I’ll have to live with it the rest of my life.

  • Yep. I’ve IBD and i can’t ear onions, garlic or even veggies in general unless they’re boiled really soft as they fuck with my gut but I can eat a donut ok and would be encouraged to because of the sugar in it. Most people wouldn’t tell me to not avoid veggies unless really soft as most people think fruit and veggies are great as they’re healthy but the the care team I have which includes a consultant and a nurse who specialize in my disease have to me nope.