• 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 13th, 2023


  • Jesus Christ give me strength.

    This is going to go nowhere. Look do you accept certain individuals in the world are mistreated? That we should ideally address every issue on an individual basis and try to fix the issue that is affected that person? Now if it is a man should we ignore them?

    What you are saying is someone has it worse so I don’t want to hear it. You don’t get to complain, you don’t get help, you don’t get attention, you’re going to get ignored just because you are a man.

    Some people have it worse than others yes. Some men have been on the receiving end of sexism more than some women. But if you are going to say women have more issues than men so men don’t get anything then that’s a horrible, sexist thing to say. Well who has it worst? Some kid starving in Sudan. Oh I don’t want to hear about how you had to get coffee, there are kids starving in Sudan we can only address one issue at a time and you come from a developed country with excess food. No. Be quiet until we fix the Sudan issue I don’t want to hear it.

    Your kidney analogy is a terrible one. A better one would be that when deciding if Jim or John should get a kidney they looked back through the records and found in 1965 some guy called Jim got a kidney and some guy called John died. So now it’s Johns turn to get a kidney. That’s how sexism works, you group people and mistreat individuals rather than treating people as individuals.

    You seem to be trying to make out that I’m saying only men have issues and no one else does. I’m not saying that I’m saying men ALSO have issues as well as other people, sometimes they are the same, sometimes they are different and they are humans too and they deserve attention, love and affection just like anyone else. But there are people like you in the world that don’t want to accept men have issues because you only want non-male issues addressing.

    The most sexism I have seen in the workforce has been on hiring policies. That before the job has even been posted people are looking for women. You might have some 21 year old guy straight out of university, he could have been in the feminists society for all we know, he and the 10 other guys won’t even have a chance at the job because 1 woman has applied and they job is reserved for her based on sex alone. That’s sexism and all sexism is bad. Young men are really struggling now in a way people don’t want to address. Especially working class uneducated men. But all, all, the attention is on women.

  • I think this is a good example of some of the issues men face.

    "It comes off as lack of self reflection and disingenuous where men have allowed women to suffer for years (decades? centuries?), but as soon as men are experiencing it too, its a crisis now!

    Or equally men are responsible for all the bad things in the world

    Certainly not all, but certainly lots and lots of bad things. Only 13 of the 193 UN member nations have *ever* had a woman leader of the nation. [source](https://www.pewresearch.org/short-reads/2023/03/28/women-leaders-around-the-world/) I don’t see how anyone can say women are to blame for that, nor the policies those world leaders put into place.

    because simply they are men and men are responsible. Well, if men are in charge, then it would follow that they’re responsible for the outcomes, yes?

    I’m willing to give a woman a chance to lead. She certainly can’t be any worse that some of the worst men we’ve had as leaders."

    I think this is a good example of some of the issues men face. That their issues do not matter because others have it worse. And like you show it is always lost in the general grouping of things. “I do not care how badly you as an individual has been treated because the group you are part of hasn’t been as hard done by as another group. Therefore because you are part of that group your issues matter less”. There always seems to be thus weird idea present that because say women have had it worse in the past that things need to be evened out by men having it worse now. Bad things have happened in the past yes, that goes without saying. But short of a time machine it won’t ever be fixed, but discrimination or issues in the present of any kind should be fixed. It shouldn’t be some weighing up of past offences of a group before an decision on an individual, that has in no way contributed to past offences happens. That’s what discrimination is.

    A lot of leaders has been upper class white men yes. But they exploited working class white men as much as anyone. So because an upper class white man did something in the past some working class white man must pay for it now? Class is way more important than gender in a lot of things. How am I, a man that has never been in a position of power anymore responsible for geopolitics than a women that hasn’t been in power? Taring me for being a man for crimes of other men isn’t right.

    But again you are passing the responsibility and making excuses. No one is denying men have done bad things. But accepting men have also being on the receiving end of bad things just for being men, or just in general, is important. This is the most kind of the misandry I see. Women doing something and then saying that because white men are in charge they are without fault? The guys in power don’t have that much power, that don’t stop individuals mistreating other individuals.

  • The highest frequency I see of it is when issues are discarded when it is an issue with men. Be it homelessness, suicide, job inequality, domestic violence or any other issue. But not for women. It seems men are worthless in a lot of people’s eyes because they aren’t women.

    Or equally men are responsible for all the bad things in the world because simply they are men and men are responsible. For example a common issue is when men say they open up to a woman and that women used that to attack them. Then someone might say this is the patriarchy and toxic masculinity in action and men need to sort it out. Even though the man has done absolutely nothing wrong only the woman. Deflecting any responsibly from women doing something they shouldn’t have.

    The inequality of responses from those being harmed, or undervalued and those responsible for the negativity seems at times strongly dependant on if it is a man or a women.

    At least that is what I have seen mostly. But I’m more curious about others.

  • Whenever this comes up I find people are incapable of grasping the scale of the issue.

    Owning a second home isn’t unethical. I think a rental market in an economy is healthy. This can be provided by individuals or companies.

    The issue is supply and demand. The houses cost that much because people will pay it. Why? Well there isn’t enough for everyone. If renting was banned housing numbers would drop. It would short term help some people buy a house but more people would be out on their arse than magically in a house they own. The issue is then increased in the next generation. Banning renting is not the answer.

    Why is there a supply and demand issue? Because people with wealth want to keep it that way. If someone lives in a house and intends to say in it until they die it doesn’t matter if their house is would 0 or value of an entire country. People buying and selling for a profit in the future is the issue not renting. That profit is only their with supply and demand issues getting worse so no new houses can be built. This means zoning laws, no higher density when a city gets 100x more people and no building on greenery meaning the city can’t go up or out (going up is much, much better). No new cities are built. Then for demand issues population must go up at all costs, so immigration is a must. These same people have businesses usually so this is good because it can also keep wages down by getting people in from the third world and keeping house prices high and wages low.

    Then there is the issue of debt and intergenerational transfer of wealth from the young to the old. Which really fucks with an economy and society at large when you think about it.

    The solutions are this. The world and countries are finite, population would ideally go down. There is demand for high density buildings. Build it, knock down entire areas and rebuild. Build a new city, build more public transport to nearby towns that can be commutable. Just build! The young start off in debt and give money to corporations or the older generations that have no debt and everything they need for life. The youth need things so give it to them. Even low government loans or even better money. You need 20% deposit get a cash transfer from the government at say 25 worth 20% of an average house national wide. That will sort out the problem.

    There is so so much money held up in mortgages and rent that if houses prices collapsed a lot more people would have a lot more discretionary income to spend and that would grow the economy.

  • You need to sort our bed time routine out.

    Don’t do anything in bed other than sleep (or sex). Go to bed try to sleep, if you don’t sleep get up and go to another room and come back in half an hour, an hour whatever it takes. Try sleep again if that doesn’t work after a bit get up again. I actually find going for a pee and trying again works surprisingly well. Take your TV out of your room, don’t use your phone in bed, don’t exercise in your bedroom and don’t exercise late and night.

    Try the military sleep method.

    If you want time to waste on something, do a jigsaw or scale model.

    Join a board game group.

    Watch The World at war 1973. Best ww2 doc ever made and its 26 episodes long. That will waste some time.