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Joined 2 months ago
Cake day: July 18th, 2024


  • Similarly to what the other guy said, I believe it’s because the ruling class wants to keep their power no matter what. Any burgeoning movement that threatens their hegemony can be nipped in the bud before it blossoms, because ‘the eye sees all’, or at least it wishes to.

    Most people don’t realize (or don’t care) just how one-sided our relationship with the government and corporations has gotten. The elites have a monopoly on violence, psychology, surveillance and means. If you were to start a movement that promises real change, you’d find it falling apart before it ever truly got started because you don’t have all the things I mentioned.

  • 9/11. My first thought when watching TV that day was ‘Bush did this’. Now maybe he did or maybe he didn’t, but it’s clear as day the US was just itching pass the Patriot Act and go to war. Every year since then has shown me this country’s government couldn’t give a shit about poor and downtrodden people in other countries. In fact, the US is doing the trodding, and the poor of this country are also in its sights.

    At least we still have social programs here, which is good thing, but it feels like something left over from when more people cared.

    I really, really wish the US would get the f out of the Middle East, stop arming Israel and begin making reparations. Unfortunately, those of us wanting peace tend to be meek (up to a point), which isn’t a bad thing. Meek people can be strong enough to build a more stabile society, but a lot of unfortunate things are going to have to take place first.

  • A funny thing I found out about dwelling on negative emotions like fear and guilt is that it never helped me become a better person. Quite the opposite. Only by facing my issues head-on and forgiving myself if/when I screw up do I actually make progress. (Some religions would have us look ‘outside’ ourselves for forgiveness, but that always places our spiritual wellbeing on some unknowable other.)

  • I’ve got one, if dreams count.

    Twenty years ago I had a series of dreams in which I was told about the design and usage of Mind Control Technology. The tech worked like this: two microwave/radio signals were sent out, one directly to a receiver, and another passing through a brain and then to a receiver. By subtracting the unaltered signal from the one altered by a brain, a sort of ‘map’ could be derived. That map was then analyzed to find key areas of interest. Then, using patterns saved from that, a new microwave signal containing said patterns was sent out to the subject, the result being total control over their mind and actions.

    I was first showed how it worked on a cat. They would make the cat playful, sedate, or mean and angry.

    In another dream, I was just doing my own thing in a city. I passed by these strange, clear globes on street corners. There were also suspicious white vans driving around. Suddenly, the globes and vans emitted signals, and everyone just lost their minds, killing each other with whatever they had on hand! After a while of this, the survivors woke up, covered in blood and not knowing what had just taken place. I was somehow immune, possibly because I knew the mind control tech existed.

    Other dreams were along the same lines: signals going out, people going crazy and waking back up later, and me unaffected by it.

    Come to find out later that there’s a bit of truth to the initial dream. A man named José Delgado ran mind control experiments with animals (including cats!) using direct brain stimulation. And then there’s this patent, which was a shocker when I found it: Apparatus and method for remotely monitoring and altering brain waves

    Do I believe all this is true and happening right now? Let’s just say I think it might be possible. To this day, whenever I hear abour a guy losing his mind and going on a killing spree, I wonder…