Yes, but it will make your book look trashy.
Yes, but it will make your book look trashy.
You’re a machinist! Can’t you just like…make a better one? /s
^^^^^^ Having this attitude is a great way to portray yourself as straight. It’s the idea that “straight culture” == “default.” Straight culture is a thing, just like gay culture is.
Yes, you can cling to pointless technicalities. There is no one behavior that 0 gay people ever engage in, or any behavior that 0 straight people ever engage in. But this is ridiculously reductive and ignore that despite outliers, clear cultural grouping of traits exists.
Not as many as you might think.
I do quite a lot of that as well. In fact, woodworking was what made me first consider wood science as a field of study.
My username is literal. I’m literally a wood scientist. Or more specifically, I’m a current PhD student in civil engineering and wood science. Identifying Wood by Hoadley was actually a textbook in one of the courses I took.
I made a wizard staff. It’s about 7 feet long, is made from an old Christmas tree, and has a large amethyst crystal embedded in it.
I’m on the left, my partner is on the right.
For the extra bit of magic, I actually set the gem into the staff (set in with epoxy) at the peak of the October 2023 annular eclipse.
Either the wizard staff or the didgeridoo. Not sure which.
The same people who love crypto love AI. It’s all lazy people looking to make a quick buck by lying to and manipulating others.
Wood science, I suppose.
My bugbear with Mc’D’s is how they now always ask you if you are using their damned app.
I know I shouldn’t, and that they’re just teenagers reading from a script. But I just can’t help myself. Whenever they ask if I’ll be using the app, I flippantly reply, “nah, I don’t want Ronald reading my email.”
Perhaps. But if that’s the case, then I’m pretty sure that makes Mac OS Eastern Orthodox.
What oddball OS would be Ethiopian Orthodox?
Linux distros are just the new “101 flavors of Protestantism,” complete with radical zealots who believe you will go to Hell for choosing the wrong one.
What kind of racist ass shit is this?