I had a former roommate break into being the exciting world of being an e-girl and a friends sibling is an onlyfans performer.
The serious content, when it is made, is usually requested on more private settings. Like personalized videos for the fabulously wealthy/financially incompetant.
I used to be worried about having to idle on a hill while driving a manual transmission vehicle. Like backsweat.
But I got used to it. Time and practice. You start to see all the subtle motions and patterns; you start to know what you didn’t know you didn’t know.
Now it is just a basic part of the driving experience. It’s a road condition, like weather. Voting, especially in federal elections and especially the general one every four years for president, is not the only or even the main course of politics.
Same story with parallel parking–which would be, I dunno: primary voting in this metaphor. Where the promise of a better way gets crammed between two other poorly parked cars and you always end up a few inches too far from the curb.