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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 9th, 2023


  • Unless you are gunning for a job in infrastructure you don’t need to go into kubernetes or terraform or anything like that,

    Even then knowing when not to use k8s or similar things is often more valuable than having deep knowledge of those - a lot of stuff where I see k8s or similar stuff used doesn’t have the uptime requirements to warrant the complexity. If I have something that just should be up during working hours, and have reliable monitoring plus the ability to re-deploy it via ansible within 10 minutes if it goes poof maybe putting a few additional layers that can blow up in between isn’t the best idea.

  • Netzteil + Backplane mit Managementinterface und Hotswaprahmen - wenn ich das richtige gefunden habe hat das vor dir genannte Gehauese nichtmal Hotswaprahmen.

    Ich hab vor ~zwei Jahren verschiedene solche Gehaeuse zum testen gekauft, in der von dir genannten Preisklasse das SC-4004 von Intertech (Hotswaprahmen, keine Backplane/Netzteil), und als teuerstes Modell das SuperMicro. Handling/Verarbeitung sind meiner Meinung nach den Aufpreis komplett wert - das SC-4004 steht seit laengerem vor allem wegen der schlechteren Verarbeitung ungenutzt rum.

  • Das haengt sehr stark davon ab wo du dich bewirbst.

    Ich bin seit 15 Jahren nicht mehr in Deutschland - in der Zeit davor hatte ich bei Bewerbungen aber grundsaetzlich keine Urkunden oder Zeugnisse beigelegt (und auch kein Bild). Ein paar wenige male wurde nach Zeugniskopien gefragt, bei allen meinen Anstellungen hat sich aber niemand dafuer interessiert.

    Bei eingehenden Bewerbungen hatten wir eine gute Mischung aus Bewerbungen ohne Beilagen, und “kompletten” Bewerbungen - wobei wir dann meistens die Anlagen einfach ignoriert haben.

    Es wird sicher genug Unternehmen (gerade auch ausserhalb von IT) geben die auf sowas wert legen - ich selber hab das fuer mich immer als Filter fuer Unternehmen gesehen bei denen ich eh nicht arbeiten will.

  • Is it a ‘death by quantity’ thing?

    Pretty much that - those companies rely on open projects to sort it for them, so they’re pretty much scraping open databases, and selling good data they pull from there. That’s why they were complaining about the kernel stuff - the info required was there already, just you needed to put effort in, so they were asking for CVEs. Now they got their CVEs - but to profit from it they’d still need to put the same effort in as they’d had to without CVEs in place.

  • Short version: A bunch of shitty companies have as business model to sell open databases to companies to track security vulnerabilities - at pretty much zero effort to themselves. So they’ve been bugging the kernel folks to start issuing CVEs and do impact analysis so they have more to sell - and the kernel folks just went “it is the kernel, everything is critical”

    tl;dr: this is pretty much an elaborate “go fuck yourself” towards shady ‘security’ companies.

  • It has been a while since I touched ssmtp, so take what I’m saying with a grain of salt.

    Problem with ssmtp and related when I was testing it was its behaviour in error conditions - due to a lack of any kind of spool it doesn’t fail very gracefully, and if the sending software doesn’t expect it and implement a spool itself (which it typically doesn’t have a reason to, as pretty much the only situation where something like sendmail would fail is a situation where it also wouldn’t be able to write a spool) this can very easily lead to loss of mails.

    I already had a working SMTP client capable of fishing mails out of a Maildir at that point, so I ended up just doing a simple sendmail program throwing whatever it receives into a Maildir, and a cronjob to send this forward. This might be the most minimalistic setup for reliably sending out mail (and I’m using it an all my computers behind Emacs to do so) - but it is badly documented, so if you don’t care about reliability postfix might be a better choice, or if you don’t just go with ssmtp or similar. Or if you do want to dig into that message me, and I’ll help making things more user friendly.