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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 14th, 2023

  • White rot fungus, use very diluted bleach (like 5%, a cup of bleach in a gallon of water.) or vinegar (either might alter the wood finish though…), wrap the arm of the chair in paper towels and keep them damp with it for like 30 minutes or so to let it soak into the substrate of the mold inside the wood, and it should just come off with a brush.

    Don’t let it go everywhere when brushing it off because the more you spread the spores, the more mold you get.

    A steamer will likely make it grow more. It’ll look like it’s working but it’ll grow back worse.

  • It’s absolutely disturbing how avidly people seem to want to ignore that inconvenient truth…

    “The people will own the means of production”. Except it’s never once worked out that way.

    “Everyone will be happy to go to work, because it’s for the good of all”. Except it’s never once worked out that way.

    “Nobody will ever have to worry about basic needs”. Except it’s never once worked out that way.

    Socialism has historically consolidated both power and wealth just as reliably as capitalism has, and frankly, I don’t buy that the impetus behind the growing advocacy for socialism even is actually equality… I think it’s a desire to have more shit, with less effort required to get it (and that sounds sketchy, and I think people are generally averse to stating it openly due to this)

    I personally think the most likely means to achieve that is ironically the capitalist system we currently have, with a huge boost to the economy in the form of universal basic income.

    Give literally everyone $50k/yr. Period. Even musk, the zuck, bezos… Everyone… The people who don’t want to do jack can sit around and enjoy the product of labor that will inevitably be increasingly provided by automation, out of necessity. The dream of the 1960’s, of having robots do everything for us while we sit around at the park, will come to fruition finally, because while we’ve had the ability to do it, we’ve not had any means of paying our bills while sitting around. UBI would provide that, and “the capitalists” will have the incentive to automate because there will be less labor available.

    Of course, we’re talking about a massive spike in income tax here… But we’re also making the labor far more valuable, by way of rarity. Harder to find workers, so you pay them more, and even with the increased taxation, even a modest salary reflects economic advantage over a nonworker. The guy that used to make $50k/yr is only making $25k/yr if we slap a 50% tax on him, but he’s still putting $75k/yr in the bank, aint he?

    I think “socialism” is the wrong direction. 180° exactly in the wrong direction. Unless by “socialism” people are actually advocating the “advanced welfare” Nordic approach…

  • It could be used at recycling centers, and at the largest “customers” of those recycling centers, the landfills…

    Do you separate your plastics? The practice is waning. You see it done in less communities these days, specifically because there’s nowhere for that plastic to go, and it’s gonna end up in a landfill no matter how effectively or avidly you separate it, and people are realizing that and simply not bothering.

    If there was a big ass bin somewhere that ate plastic, we could actually do what we’ve been pretending to do for 40 years and remove it from our waste disposal systems. We could separate plastic, and the plastic could get hauled off to the big plastic eating bin to be depolymerized… Hell, you could just run all the trash through it and landfill whatever got left.

  • A gas car costs twice as much as a gas car after like 100k miles or so… you end up paying for some random ass shit that broke every couple months. Alternator here, transmission there, radiator, head gasket, O2 sensors, rusted out muffler, injectors… it’s not like your gas motor just keeps on trucking forever and doesn’t nickel and dime the fuck out of you as it ages. An EV is mainly just gonna lose some capacity as it gets elderly, and isn’t likely to have random little repairs as often.

    If you ain’t super well off, you roll your shit til the wheels fall off, and with an EV, that’s just going to mean that the Tesla that goes 300 miles on a charge today, in ten years, is gonna be a Tesla that goes 150 miles on a charge, and there’s going to be people that will rock that old ass battery pack for as long as itll keep rocking, and a lot of those packs aren’t actually going to get replaced at the age everyone is claiming they will be.

    Battery pack might be the whole ass cost of the car, but poo-pooing EVs over it is disingenuous if you ask me.

  • Not as bad as it was pre-covid, but yes, this is still definitely a fucking thing…

    I appear to be immune to it, I’m retired military and went looking for work more as something to do than something to pay bills, and literally nobody gives me shit about anything, I have a very obvious no-fucks dispositon. I see how they treat coworkers though and seriously wonder how the fuck the state of what people believe individual liberty should be has gotten this fucked.

    I literally watched someone hand over their cell phone to a manager so they could go through their Facebook messages a couple days ago… That manager has never even asked for my phone number, and I’m 100% certain she wouldn’t ask for my phone. She just pushes certain people because she knows she can.