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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 21st, 2023


  • Theres a cool autobio book by Don Cox called “Just Another removed” that details some of this. Obviously the Feds played a part but Don himself cautions not to give them too much credit. There’s plenty we can learn from what transpired aside from that. Leadership was an issue, and sexism was a really big issue are two big takeaways. A lot of the other stuff requires a bit more nuance to explain and would be best learned by the book itself. Interesting and not too long a read.

  • Less and less as time goes on. Spent far too much of my youth sacrificing hoping a difference would be made only for it to leave me in a materially much worse situation. I should have just stayed in the major that would have gotten me a high paying job making weapons for the military and harming the environment rather than going into a science more designed to help people. If I were going to judge by personal outcomes and no other measure, that was the worst mistake of my life. I wish I could have been happy being part of the problem, because being part of the solution hasn’t helped myself or even materially advanced the solution.

  • And I think people who claim Trump is going to put Americans in camps do nothing but polarize the political landscape more than it already is. If you sincerely believe Trump would have the ability to line up political dissedents up in mass and send them to camps, you’ve reached a level of delusion that is unhealthy. Theres no evidence Republicans are going to gain nearly enough seats for a supermajority, so please explain to me how Trump sends democrats to camps. It’s a sensational divisive claim that does nothing but worsen an already shit electoral climate. Its the same level of crazy as claiming Bidens going to take away your guns. Even if thats what he said he wanted, he lacks any way to do so.

    The only people actually goin to camps are immigrants and last I checked those are still open and functioning.

  • Im not going to defend the court draging their ass but its a hell of a lot easier to try a dead man over one who won’t shut up. Hes also in the same situation as his little insurgent fans, those cases took and are taking quite a long time too, I still wouldn’t call that better than expected. If he doesn’t see the inside of a cell thats better than expected but by all meausre of lawyers commenting on his cases, ‘better than expected’ is not a take I’m hearing.