
  • 14 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 10th, 2023


  • That is absolute nonsense. SUSE mostly serves large enterprise customers.

    And where do you think the people deciding what to buy get their information? Mind share is important.

    I’m pretty sure SUSE is bigger than Canonical.

    That’s actually surprising to me, but I’d argue that Suse offers more products, it seems like Rancher, Longhorn, etc. have no canonical equivalent.

  • And you really think, people who are willing and able to buy enterprise support for their Linux distro get confused by the naming? Sure, there’s that one confused dude, but you also have people asking Facebook where they left their keys.

    OpenSuse is essentially free marketing for SUSE, nobody would know them otherwise. Why would you give that away?

    Suse is not a huge company, it has neither a large enterprise backer nor any killer features, and its market share is relatively small compared to Red Hat or Canonical. Throwing away free marketing while alienating a relatively passionate community is a kind of brainrot only MBA can come up with.

  • Das wäre möglich, aber die Verwaltung kriegt das nicht hin.

    Die könnten das einfach als Teil der Ausschreibung aufnehmen, aber das tun sie nicht. Und für die Hersteller ist das auch gut, weil man dann ganz schöne fuckups einfach unter den Teppich kehren kann. Ask me how I know…

    Es ist leider so, dass die “IT” Abteilungen in vielen Behörden einfach gnadenlos unterbesetzt sind und deswegen quasi Geld verschwenden müssen. Teilweise sind da dann nur drei Leute, die einfach nur die verschiedenen Dienstleister jonglieren. Für mehr Personal gibt’s aber kein Geld und für 50k kriegst du halt auch niemanden.

  • I mean this subtitle right here gave me a pretty good idea what’s this initiative is all about already, but that’s just me I guess

    But what does that mean exactly? Fairphones with long support duration? Solar powered software developers?

    I get a rough direction from that, but nothing else, but it’s a headline, that’s ok.

    What really bugs me is that the body of the text doesn’t really explain it either, but needs hundreds of words for that. It’s just fluff for a press statement that should have fit into a tweet.

    Also, keep in mind that people from different countries work on KDE, and English is not their first language, I don’t know what are your expectations… on how the writing should be…

    Well, given that I’m from Germany and English is not my first language, and also given that I’m neither very good at it nor do I have a PR team, I would expect writing at least on my level, I guess?

    But here’s the thing, take a look at Google or MS posts about sustainably and being green, and you’ll realize, truly realize how one could say so much without saying anything… this wall of text that you’re talking about is full of insights

    And these companies are the benchmark? I mean, can’t we expect more from a nonprofit? There are some insights, yes, but they’re drowning in the wall of text.

    Just as an insight for you: a news article is supposed to increase in detail level from top to bottom. The headline shows the rough topic, subtitle slightly expands on that, the first paragraphs tell the actual story, the next paragraphs provide more and more context. The idea is, that a reader can stop reading if she feels like there’s been enough context.

    Look at the article here and ask yourself if it fits this description.

  • Why would I not say that?

    Clearly they can’t get their point across. And I don’t know, why people down vote me for that.

    KDE starts a new initiative, and does so by creating a giant wall of text that says very little about the initiative itself. So little in fact, that people here obviously don’t understand what they’re actually trying to do. That is bad communication. Simple as that. And given that this is not a random blog post, but a press statement, I’m pretty sure a bunch of people read it before publishing it.