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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 7th, 2023


  • I work IT for my day job managing a datacenter and cloud infrastructure.

    I host mostly Plex, home assistant, and immich. Immich has its data backed up, I don’t care about Plex data. If it all dies, so be it.

    I have a server coloed that houses some websites and email, plus some random other things I’ve setup and tested. It’s got backups, and downtime is fine.

    If my self hosted stuff dies, it doesn’t matter. Nothing in my life ultimately relies on it.

  • Let’s see, there was the one I just started anti-depressants and they had unexpected side effects preventing me from getting hard. It was a rather poor sexual experience.

    There was the other, which is way more fun, where I befriended a women I was working with. She was lesbian and had a kid. Her last sexual experience with a man was when she was raped. Anyway, she invites me over and after a couple drinks we settle in to watch a movie and start fooling around. I go down on her for a while and then she has me move towards normal sex. Literally ten seconds after I enter her, she excuses herself and goes to the bathroom to throw up. She thought she was going to be okay with it, but had more of a reaction than she expected.

    Eventually, she comes back out and apologizes. I didn’t mind though, we ended up just cuddling watching the movie until we fell asleep. 10/10, would sleep with a lesbian again.

    We stayed friends for a while, I introduced her to one of my other friends and she dated them for a while. We hooked up a second time a few years later.

    There was another one that didn’t understand her kinks or communication yet. She would say things to try and get me jealous. She would also constantly say no or stop during sex and then get mad or frustrated when I would stop. It ended up just being a little awkward, but we were young and dumb. Too young to understand discussing what she wanted before starting sex and agreeing on a safe word.

  • Almost every night now.

    I used to never dream but I would go to bed with the TV on. I wanted to switch to falling asleep to music. At some point I realized I would have nightmares whenever I slept without either. It was like my brain couldn’t handle the lack of external stimuli.

    But I wanted to dream more, so I started going to bed without it more and more often. Eventually those nightmares turned to dreams as I pushed through it. It was fantastical. Almost like hearing music for the first time after being deaf. It was a whole new world and I can’t get enough.

  • I wouldn’t, you’ll lose a lot not having it manage the disks such as using dissimilar disks for the array and having it spin down unused disks. You might be able to pass disks through so the unraid VM can manage them directly, but it might be harder than I’d personally want to deal with.

    If you aren’t running VMs much. Truenas scale I believe can do docker well. I’ve seen a lot of people put that in a VM on proxmox with disks passed through to be used as the NAS portion.

  • It was scary. But my mortgage itself isnt too bad. The amortization schedule was scarier, as the first several years you’re almost paying just interest. And you get to see just how much it costs over the total life of the loan.

    But I like my house, I feel a sense of pride and accomplishment. I can enjoy doing the fixes myself, and cry when things are so expensive to repair. There are so many things I want to do, but can’t afford to at the moment.

    I am really enjoying getting my yard they way I want. And it’s even nicer to have a place that my girlfriend and her daughter can move in.

    The house has appreciated 10% in the last two years. And as inflation keeps happening, it devalues the loan. The money I owe is worth less and less and the property I own is worth more and more. At least in general, that’s how it should work.

    Property taxes are pricey, but I’m happy with paying them for what I get in the city and neighborhood I’m in.