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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 2nd, 2023


  • Something with enough context to write sensible test cases for a large codebase. It would be great if you could write test cases for a couple of domains, then ask it to write cases for a third domain following the same general style as the first. It would ideally have a conversation about what things to mock/stub and what things to keep.

    I personally think 5 years isn’t enough time to get to that point with something that works really well. It’s tricky enough to get a junior up to speed with doing it sensibly, but cutting down on the time it takes to build a good test suite would mean we Devs can spend a lot more time on features and improvements.

  • just install its 22.04 release and you should be good until April 2027

    I think this is a really great point. A lot of the Linux community really like distrohopping and running bleeding edge systems, but if you want to just use your machine to get stuff done you can’t go wrong with the LTS versions of stable distros.

    Pop 22.04 has been rock solid for me and I won’t be switching to cosmic until the issues are ironed out, my work laptop will be staying on Ubuntu 22.04 (with pop-shell) until the next LTS has been out for a while.

    Not having to worry about whether a rolling upgrade will bork your system is really nice. I think we should be suggesting LTS to all newbies as standard as it’s a much smoother experience.

    To OP: Pop is a great distro and the tiling window manager it comes with is absolutely fantastic. If you want a beginner friendly system which gets out of your way and let’s you actually use your computer it’s a fantastic choice. Getting used to the way gnome/pop-shell works and the workflows takes a little getting used to at first, but once it clicks it’s really hard to think of using anything else.

    Top tip: if you hit an issue with pop and googling for pop solutions isn’t working, 99% of the time just search for Ubuntu and you’ll find plenty of info about it.

  • Yeah I run Pop shell (gnome with a bunch of tweaks) and don’t miss a dock or task bar at all.

    Great keyboard navigation of workspaces and automatic tiling make it super easy to organise programs and navigate to what I need almost instantly.

    I’m looking forward to seeing what they do with cosmic once it’s ready.

  • I’m definitely there with you. I actually forgot that hot existed because it’s basically a ‘new’ sort.

    On the one hand it’s handy because it makes me browse Lemmy less and do more productive things instead, but it isn’t good for encouraging growth of niche communities and topics if everyone is just looking at the same few posts.