Currently browsing from an alternative lemmy frontend.

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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: August 10th, 2023


  • His website isn’t secure and looks ancient. Also the front page is just a closeup of his face. It is clearly focused on shilling for his speaking and books. So based off of that somewhat shallow look, I would say he is just running as a publicity stunt for his business. Which is fine, I guess, but not someone that I would vote for.

    Edited to add: He actually does have a campaign website at cornelwest2024 that I initially missed. I went to the top result which was his main website.

  • We can’t have a discussion about him

    Umm, We obviously can. That’s literally this thread.

    until the country abolishes first-past-the-post

    It’s not up to national politicians to replace first-past-the-post. That is a state-level political decision. With that in mind it is crazy to expect that all 50 states will replace our first-past-the-post voting system anytime soon.

    due to stealing Biden votes

    hahaha, As if you can steal votes. That idea is absurd.

    No politician is entitled to your vote. Everyone should vote for the best candidate regardless of their perceived popularity. Unfortunately what people should do is largely irrelevant because as a general rule people don’t do what they should do. What they actually end up doing is the perceived easier action. And that is voting for the least shitty option (in their opinion) in the general election.

    I would say the optimal voting strategy is the least shitty option currently, but I would not bash anyone for voting for who they think will be the best candidate for the position.

  • How do you like it?

    I kinda want to try it because you can supposedly import and export your icons / shortcuts to apps. I kinda want to be able to like save a folder of urls so that they are viewable from the launcher, but I am not sure if that will be doable. The idea is that hopefully there would be a way to take a folder of bookmarks from exported firefox and make them easily accessible and organized from the launcher.

    I guess I should just try it out and see.

  • Relevant Section under Gift economies:

    The expansion of the Internet has witnessed a resurgence of the gift economy, especially in the technology sector. Engineers, scientists, and software developers create open-source software projects. The Linux kernel and the GNU operating system are prototypical examples of the gift economy’s prominence in the technology sector and its active role in using permissive free software and copyleft licenses, which allow free reuse of software and knowledge.

    Essentially the line of thought is that open source software is an example of mutual aid and the gift economy.

  • is great for all manner of learning through a chatbot. It’s got like a dozen different models that are great for answering natural human questions. You know like the one’s you used to be able to answer through a web search without wading through pages of BS that don’t actually answer the question. You might consider double checking it with a search engine or a different model to help cut out on any hallucinations it occasionally has.

    It’s also got some image generators to play around with, but they aren’t really useful for learning.

  • Yeah, I guess you could recondition one kinda like how this guy does it. I had never heard of doing that before. Thanks for the info.

    I would still opt for li ion even with that though. Lithium Ion has a 2x greater depth of discharge(usable stored power) and 2-3x the lifetime (not taking into account any reconditioning) when compared to lead acid. That equals 4-6x the utility theoretically at around double the cost. That would make li ion 2-3x more bang for your buck compared to lead acid.

    But there may be some case, for using a cheaper lead acid on a small scale project. Just be aware of the maintenance requirements of them and the increased cost if you do end up using it on a long term project.