Seer of the tapes! Knower of the episodes!

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 3rd, 2023


  • Remember Valentine’s day 2004, when San Francisco county started issuing marriage licenses to same-sex couples?

    Thousands of couples showed up. Some from the other side of the planet, some from the other side of town. The County Clerk was overwhelmed and there weren’t nearly enough wedding officiants to keep up. So they put out a call for volunteers to be deputized by the Clerk as county marriage commissioners. I volunteered and officiated at dozens of ceremonies at city hall.

    Still have my official commission hanging on my wall.

  • Even the researcher who reported this doesn’t go as far as this headline.

    “I am an admin, should I drop everything and fix this?”

    Probably not.

    The attack requires an active Man-in-the-Middle attacker that can intercept and modify the connection’s traffic at the TCP/IP layer. Additionally, we require the negotiation of either ChaCha20-Poly1305, or any CBC cipher in combination with Encrypt-then-MAC as the connection’s encryption mode.


    “So how practical is the attack?”

    The Terrapin attack requires an active Man-in-the-Middle attacker, that means some way for an attacker to intercept and modify the data sent from the client or server to the remote peer. This is difficult on the Internet, but can be a plausible attacker model on the local network.