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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: July 28th, 2023

  • Once again you seem to be calling for not bothering with any security effort of there’s even a remote chance of some other vulnerability happening.

    The whole point of security is that it’s always a multi-layered thing. Nobody sane is pretending that encrypting web traffic with HTTPS is a panacea that’s going to solve all your data security needs. But it is sure as hell a million times better than having all of your data transmitted in the clear, with absolutely no assurance that you’re are talking to the system you think you’re talking to, or that the data hasn’t been tampered with in transit.

    And don’t pretend https is a huge burden. It’s dead simple to get SSL/TLS certs, and the additional load of encrypting and decrypting the traffic is barely even a rounding error on modern CPUs.

  • AMD GPU just works, no fussing about, get straight to fragging on Xonotic and Counter Strike

    Unless you have a monitor that requires HDMI 2.1 to get full resolution/refresh. Then it only works partially.

    Don’t get me wrong, I love Linux, and I’ve been using it on my desktops/laptops for almost 30 years at this point.

    But there are still issues to deal with on a regular basis, same as Windows or OSX.

  • They have one called “Pink Drink”. It’s not available bottled, The only place I ever had it was at Austin City limits Festival a few years before the pandemic. It’s kind of a Prickly-pear Lemonade flavored soda. It was without a doubt the most delicious, refreshing beverage I have ever consumed, and the fact that I’ve never been able to find it since then is actually one of the biggest disappointments of my life.

  • Yes and no. For the clouds that we did have, yes, the eclipse was enough to affect those.

    However, for the clouds that we had earlier in the day, and that had been predicted that we might have, would have been far too heavy for eclipse to effect. Unfortunately my sister up in New York ended up in that situation, where it was far too heavy a cloud cover so they didn’t get to see anything. We had been predicted that we might have that, but that’s the manner in which we got lucky.

  • I tried to switch to iOS when my pixel 3xl died. I gave up after 24hrs and bought a Pixel 6Pro.

    Every time I tried to do something on the iPhone, or find a comparable app, it either couldn’t be done, or needed an app with an ongoing paid subscription. It was infuriating. Paying one time for an app is one thing. I don’t need to be spending 10s of dollars or a month in perpetuity just to use some apps on my phone when I can get the same functionality free, or for a smaller one time payment elsewhere.