I’m just a guy, my dudes.

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 15th, 2023


  • I fell backwards into programming and did it for years before ever needing or encountering a mod operator. It never really came up in statistical programming (SAS) and since I wasn’t a CS major I don’t think I even learned about it until taking online programming classes for fun. But I know I was a pretty damn good SAS programmer. I never had any issues solving any problems in my field programmatically, but I took a few leet code tests and was completely puzzled before taking said CS classes. The algorithms and common problems just never remotely came up. I never found fizzbuzz particularly relevant in statistics and data CRUD.

    Now maybe since SAS is procedural and not OO you’d say it doesn’t have typical “programming language features”, but I could easily see that experience being common in all kinda of business side programming like R, VBA, maybe JavaScript or Python, etc.

    …but anyway obviously I’m not saying its not a good thing for a dev shop to interview on, and if they want someone classically trained then it’s probably a perfect question. My quibble is just that you might need to widen your definition of who programs.

  • If you want to scratch that “players have their own genre” itch, you might look for asymmetric gameplay. There are a few video games, Death by Daylight being the most famous, but many in the “monster vs party genre”. There’s a shark one I can’t remember the name of, and a few eothers. There’s also Davigo, a VR game where the VR person plays a giant floating head that tries to smack a little person running around, played by your friend on a regular PC in FPS mode.

    Sort of tangent to those game, of course there’s your hero shooters and MOBAs, which are much more aligned objective wise but with very different gameplay per hero. I’m a sucker for DOTA which has very different heroes, and then there’s your Team Fortress or Overwatch style FPSes too.

    You’ve also got really expansive games where you have access to all the gameplay loops but people can pick what they want. Think like a multiplayer Stardew Valley. Elite Dangerous comes to mind as a game where you can go do space dogfighting, space trucking, exploration, or mining - and they all play pretty differently. You can even combo, like mine dangerous areas with a fighter escort to protect from pirates who want to fight.

    Really outside video games, but closest to what you’re talking about you might like the board game Root. It is a board game (though there’s a PC version), but it plays VERY differently depending on which forest creature you are. Cats play a traditional conquer and control (think Risk), the Birds play an action chaining card game (think like a deck builder), the Racoon does his own like exploration game, etc. but they all interact in different ways when their goals come at odds with another. It’s an awesome, super creative game. Big fan.

  • drphungky@lemmy.worldtoaww@lemmy.worldScrappy?!
    5 months ago

    It definitely looks it (for me the lighting and the eyes) but I don’t think it is. The bag in the bottom right might be puppy’s first food bag, and I don’t think I’ve seen many AI photos with just a partial thing like that that still obeys the laws of reality. If it’s AI, it’s heavily human involved to tweak things until it got perfect.

  • Wide rice noodles. If you’ve ever tried to make pad kee mao (drunken noodle) with dried rice noodles you know it’s essentially not even worth it. The noodles are too important to the dish and the dried ones curl up and are just awful. My wife and I eventually figured out how to make fresh wide rice noodles and while it’s very simple to do so (rice flour slurry into a cake pan, steam it) it’s very laborious and time intensive. I’ll do some laborious stuff (bake my own bread, homemade yogurt and soft cheese, pasta and red sauce etc) but damn if one of my favorite foods isn’t too much work for all but special occasions.

    Thank god we found a place a mile away that sells fresh noodles. Now we can have it whenever we want.

  • This is wild. I even thought lasagna was worth the minimal effort before, but I just got KitchenAid attachments for Christmas and it’s insanely easy. You mix the dough in the bowl, and then flatten a couple times, run through the slicer, put in the water and it boils way faster than dried. It’s also so so much better than dried.

    I’m with you on like, ravioli though. Also we occasionally made wide rice noodles from scratch for Thai cooking and while they’re not technically hard, they’re very labor intensive and time consuming. The problem is the difference between them and dried is night and say - dried wide rice noodles arent even really worth eating. Finally found a shop that sells them fresh though so we are golden.

  • I cannot believe I had to scroll so far down here to find this. It’s a channel so good he created a freaking genre! And plus, almost no one else does what he does legit. At least a lot of the bushcraft ones show when they use tools, but I’ve seen videos with 8 million views showing hand tools and harvesting wood, then boom, suddenly there’s dimensional lumber in the shot. Drives me wild when people fake it, but the OG never does, since he started the whole project for fun and fell backwards into money.