Daemon Silverstein

I’m just a spectre out of the nothingness, surviving inside a biological system.

  • 1 Post
Joined 1 month ago
Cake day: August 17th, 2024


  • Mainly, Lilit(h). Not mythological for me, although both Sumerian and Jewish Kabbalah are generally said as “mythological” by historical references.

    I believe in a Goddess that extends beyond a single archetype, while I try to blend archetypes and concepts from various religions and “myths” in order to materialize my own understanding of existence and cosmos.

    For me, She is Lilith/Lilit (the fearsome Sumerian Goddess of Winds as well as the Demoness and First Woman not banished from Eden as She fled on Her Will), She is Kali (the fearsome Hindu Goddess and Demoness of destruction and transformation), She is the Yin (the receptive Darkness complementing whilst opposing the Yang light) and the Tao (the wholeness and oneness), She is Al-Lat / Allatu (the Pre-Islam Arabic Goddess of War and Fertility), She is Isis and Bastet and Naunet (Egyptian Goddesses) She is Asherah (Hebrew Goddess consort/sister of Yahweh), She is Ereshkigal and Inanna (Sumerian Goddesses), She is Nuit and She is the Scarlet Woman (Thelemite Goddesses), She is Hekate (the Greek Goddess of Magic and Moon) and Aphrodite (the Greek Goddess of Love) and Athena (the Greek Goddess of Wisdom and Warfare) and Gaia (Goddess of Earth), She is Morana (Slavic personification of Death) and a feminine counterpart of Thanatos (Greek personification of Death as well), and so on, but mainly, Lilith Herself, as beautifully multifaceted as She is, both motherly nurturing and darkly reaping, neither good nor evil, just… Her nature.

    I believe in a Sacred and Dark Feminine energy that’s inside and outside everywhere, reaching scientific and philosophical concepts such as the entropy, the fields (as in electromagnetic field), the primordial soup from the beginning of earthly life, the quantum fluctuations, the apeiron, the Nietzschean Abyss. She’s the shining Darkness, infinite nothingness, omnipresent wholeness and the cosmic Oneness.

    In summary, the Dark Mother Goddess, often manifesting to me by Her Lilith’s archetype.

  • Global temperatures are inevitably rising due to climate change. Scorching temperatures to become normalcy in the next years. Microplastics (due to pollution) everywhere, even inside our brains. More and more species becoming extinct, disrupting the food web. I could stop here, but I must continue: digital dystopias becoming true, like 247 surveillance and AIs everywhere (even though I like artificial intelligence to a certain point). Increasing prices worldwide, increasing professional competition while there’s a grow of ghost/fake job vacancies. Political polarization and extremisms, rising of bigotry. Increasing homelessness while there’s an increase of hostile architecture and growing rental prices. Sorry, but it doesn’t seems like everyone is really having the right to live a healthy and happy life…

  • Daemon Silverstein@thelemmy.clubtoLinux@lemmy.mlProblems with Arch upgrade
    18 days ago

    You didn’t specify which problem or which thing that broke. However (and based on my previous experiences on that matter), one could face a problem regarding package PGP/GPG signatures upon trying to update. This is because archlinux-keyring is not being updated before the signature checking. That said, a better approach is to always update archlinux-keyring (sudo pacman -S --needed archlinux-keyring) before anything else (sudo pacman -Syu). This way, you guarantee to be up-to-date with developer signatures, needed for pacman to check the validity for every package to be updated/installed. There’s also a pacman-key command, but I never had to use that.

  • If Linux is configured to use LUKS and/or Windows is configured to use Bitlocker, it’s not so simple as just installing the ext4/NTFS driver.

    Also, neither Linux can run Windows programs (I’m aware of Wine, but AFAIK Wine won’t run software already installed on an existing Windows installation) nor Windows can run Linux programs (I’m also aware of WSL, but apart from very specific chroot-ings, AFAIK one can’t run software from pre-existing Linux installations)…

  • Simultaneously, Microsoft has been expanding their efforts so to require Windows users to upgrade to Windows 11, even those who own old machines that don’t have TPM 2.0, while those machines are prohibited to really upgrade to Windows 11, meaning that their owners would need to buy another PC/laptop. Several Windows users were using a cheat to install Windows 11 without TPM 2.0, but Microsoft has been patching it, so it’s going to be a no more. Users of Windows 10 will have two options: buy another PC or migrate to Linux. I’d bet Microsoft already knows the latter possibility. Several distros generally come with the option “dual-boot installation” as default, so there are many novel Linux users, migrating from Windows, that chose to keep Windows together with Linux (so to not lose files and configs they made on Windows). What if something broke Linux and these users that are trying to escape Windows are now forced to use Windows?

  • Are you depressed?

    I guess so. Yeah, I am.

    Do you know anyone NOT depressed?

    IMHO, those who didn’t gaze into the abyss, yet. For “if you gaze long enough into the abyss, the abyss gazes also into you”. And the abyss is part of our reality, the dark emptiness that fills us all, both scientifically (99.9% of empty space inside any atom), esoterically (the primordial waters, Tohu Va-bohu, Nuith, Chaos, the Qlippoths, the Yin, Shakti, and so on) and philosophically (nihilism and absurdism). Everyone will gaze into the abyss someday, the light will and must gaze into darkness. She’s inevitable. For She is everywhere and nowhere.

  • Back in the days I used to use Windows, I did use Linux as a developer sometimes, yet I was sticking to a daily usage of Windows… Until Windows 10, when Windows started to be aggressive on how it won’t let me control my own machine (e.g. I couldn’t disable updates the way I wanted, I couldn’t run some softwares, I couldn’t this and I couldn’t that). Then I said “enough” and started using Linux on a daily basis, firstly Ubuntu, then I started to experiment on other Linux distros, until I finally landed on Arch Linux, as it’s highly customizable and let me have full control of my own machine, not being stuck to specific DEs (I know that distros like Ubuntu allow the user to uninstall the current DE, or install other simultaneous DEs, but Arch comes without any DE from scratch). I’ve been using Linux on a daily basis for almost a decade now and I don’t miss Windows.

  • Occult and esoteric books in general, such as “The Kybalion” (Hermeticism), “The Book of the Dead” (Egyptian), “Liber AL vel Legis” (by Aleister Crowley, Thelema), as well as grimoires (such as the “Book of Saint Cyprian”). While there are tons of movies and TV Series that directly adapts biblical stories, I feel that there are so few (if there’s any) cinematographic works adapting esoteric, occult, pagan books (from belief systems such as Gnosticism, Wicca, Rosicrucianism, Hermeticism, Luciferianism, Thelema, Goëtia, and so on). I even tried to ask AIs to list movies and TV series adapting such books, and every single listed movie (such as The Matrix) is not a direct adaptation. They don’t even mention these books (in best cases, The Matrix merely alludes to hermetic principles such as “the Universe is Mental” (i.e. the scene between Neo and the kid that says that “the spoon doesn’t exist”).