is that just shortcut to xkill? or own system?
the system might not react to certain events in a timely manner.
But still react? Resource for read more?
Might be in future. Amd want to use open source agesa.
Until can remote session over ssh and restart gnome-shell without losing session, wayland not even option.
luks encrypt both drive, raid 1 btrfs the lvm?
but you need to decrypt both drive then. i think exist some script to decrypt two drive with same key but cant find.
edit: btrfs raid superior because bitrot detection + healing, most normal raid can detect but not heal.
// retarded shit, remove on next update
Dont know if trauma dumping used derogatory. Only heard use when talking about trauma a lot, so become dump of trauma. What you mention sound more like TMI (too much information).
I think heard, not seen. People trauma dump during therapy.
and you close group that make public impact?
that mean they dilute group across mozilla?
so not be capitalist asshole radical? why you not radical mozilla?
if goal so high that need to layoff, maybe just set goal lower?