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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 24th, 2023


  • You still smell, and a lot at that. Diet isn’t going to get rid of that. People still notice and you still stink.

    I haven’t said that I don’t smell at all, but just using water, and avoiding stale-sweat (by washing with water, which is rather effective). But I wouldn’t consider it a lot, at least not, when the people aren’t like really close, or straight up sniff my armpits ^^

    Maybe worth adding, is that I almost exclusively wear merino-wool shirts, which likely helps further reducing BO

  • ways to make themselves smell nicer

    true, perfume etc. is nothing new, probably older than cultivating plants.

    chance you’re just getting used to the smell

    Maybe slightly, but as soon as I’m using soap, I quickly notice stink after a short time after showering as counter-example.

    I think the body just has use less fluid to nurse the skin after washing with just water, and than there’s a slightly different skin-flora I think.

    I sometimes use DIY deo (basically soda+coconut-oil) when I’m noticing stink, but rarely, that works quite well, while being somewhat neutral in smell.

    most of modern society likes when people do not smell like BO

    I’m not so sure about that. Probably not a strong stale-sweat BO, but there are studies, where fresh sweat had IIRC a strong arousing effect on the opposite gender. I guess it quite depends on the BO…

    I may not be the norm, but I’m somewhat opposed to most of the often penetrant deo smell. I also would consider my sense of smell rather sensitive (I hate the fumes of motorcycles and cars in the road-traffic, and often hold breath there)

  • Well the “stink” is AFAIK produced by bacteria etc. after sweating, i.e. stale sweat.

    AFAIK fresh sweat has a somewhat arousing effect on the opposite gender.

    I guess, when you’re not constantly drying out your skin by washing all the body fats away, it just needs to produce less body fluid to nurture the skin etc. which leads to less stink, because it can be washed away quite effectively (but less so the body fats) by just using water (not as effective as with soap etc. though, but it takes maybe 2 hours or so and then I’m stinking when using soap, btw. counter-example to that I’m getting used to the stink). I also think the different composition of the skin flora may add to that.

    Before you’re judging, have you tried washing the skin with just water (my skin health has improved since using only water on the body, and I have rather sensitive skin)?.

  • I tend to disagree. I guess it depends…

    I’m using shampoo for hair, though only because I think a lot of filth that’s flying around in cities (and dust in rooms) collects there (and it gets itchy).

    But as a counter example: I washed my feet with soap a long time ago and had constantly issues with fungal infection there. Then I stopped that (and only use water) and never had these issues again…

  • Yep tinkering with the system is probably the main issue (for that NixOS is awesome btw.). But even when you’re not constantly tinkering. System-State accumulates over time, bugs are also apparent in (upgrading of) distros, and the maintainers of a distro cannot realistically handle every upgrade time-point x -> y, so stuff will likely break after some time.

    But even when I have fixed all the issues in my previous at some time broken distros, at some point it just feels good to have a freshly installed system without all that dirty accumulated state (NixOS + impermanence and you’ll have that every reboot :P, see also this)

  • You probably don’t have much on that system and/or you have a lot of discipline…

    I did reinstall it after max 1 1/2 years (Arch btw.), either because of breakage, or weird behavior, or it was a chaotic dumpster fire.

    At some point I discovered NixOS and was sold (and am still sold after 3 1/2 years using it). But it has a steep learning curve, though it certainly got better over that time.

  • It’s not for everyone. I think it’s almost a requirement to be a programmer, and to be familiar with functional programming. It also has quite a few (necessary?) quirks/magic (module system, overlays, typing, config overrides etc.).

    Actually one of my colleagues just switched from Pop OS! since System76 put all focus into their new desktop environment (while the current distro is barely maintained), which will be available on NixOS too, when it’s ready (which is his plan to use, and mine too).