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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 2nd, 2023


  • I finished two episodes, and I really hope that the interesting part is going to start. So far almost everything has been about how Cowboys are tough, gruff, brooding, and loyal to their families above all else. A couple of SF elements, but those have been incidental.

    I really hope that it’s going to do more than just mining the cowboy mythology and showing how rugged individualism is superior to government and corporations.

  • It helps if you realize that most people are delighted to talk about themselves, if you can find the right angle. They may be passionate about cars, or gardening, travel, their children.

    Also realize that most people have spent a lot of time doing whatever they do, and there are things they know about it that few other people do.

    For example, someone who works in a laundry might have insights into the laundry business, or the people who come in late at night or the values of different kinds of detergent.

    Someone who works at a mall may well know things about them all that you don’t. There may be aspects to their job that they find challenging or painful.

    I seem unable to care much about other people (not officially diagnosed on the spectrum, but it seems obvious to most people who know me), but I am interested in the insights they can give me, and I genuinely want them to be happy.

    Having a conversation like that also beats sitting around awkwardly.

  • Back in the 1980s, before MS Word was the unquestioned king of the desktop, there was a DOS word processing program called WordPerfect. Everyone used it.

    WP had a feature where you could press a special key combination and the screen would split. The top would have your text (not WYSIWYG, that was way in the future, although WP could show an approximation).

    In the bottom part you could see your text, along with every control coffee code that turned bolding in or off, marked text for a table of content, etc.

    Not only could you see it, you could navigate through it and delete codes, or watch the codes change as you edited text in the to half of the screen.

    It gave you a control that I still miss these days. No more wondering why your word processor is doing columns wrong, or why the image you inserted doesn’t line up properly.

    Check it out (starting at around 4:20).