• 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 20th, 2023


  • Heh, we’re still on the X-Y problem to a degree.

    I’d recommend another top-level reply to your post, or a new post, describing precisely how your hardware and ZFS pools are set up, alongside a description of the firmware/stability issues you’re seeing, and solutions you’ve tried already. We’re a bit far down a comment chain at the moment, so you’ll probably get more engagement that way. Not trying to be an ass - this actually sounds like an interesting (and, I’m sure, obnoxious) problem. Putting all the cards on the table will help people give you a more complete answer more quickly.

  • Well, you know, there was the fact that Trump actively ignored the problem when it was predominantly affecting “Blue” urban areas - remember New York with the initial surge, and how they were literally stacking bodies like lumber in walk-in freezers because they ran out of morgue space so quickly? He literally weaponized the spread of the pandemic in areas that did not support him through pointed inaction. Honestly, how do people forget that? It was an egregious and malicious dereliction of duty. If we had a less tribal political climate, that’d be strong grounds for impeachment, conviction, and subsequent criminal charges.

    That, of course, came around to bite him in the ass, because pathogens don’t give a single fuck about what party you’re registered under, and the south ultimately maintained much higher infection, transmission, and death rates due to partisan bias/belief in anti-vax shit and pandemic precaution pushback/refusal in conservative areas.