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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 4th, 2023


  • If you can’t sleep and are trying to kill time anyway, why not look into something like mindfulness meditation? It might help you keep some of those anxious thoughts in check to the point where you can actually focus on something to take your mind off of whatever is causing your issues.

    I’m sure it’s not for everyone, but it helped me a lot when I was at my worst.

    Also, you indicate that your anxiety and depression are due to some personal issues (which it sounds like will no longer be an issue in a month). If I’m understanding that correctly, that sucks for the time being but I’m glad to hear it has an expiration date. If those are feelings you deal with chronically, however, and you have the means to do so, I highly suggest trying to find professional help. The right meds can make an absolute world of difference, and talk therapy can help you straighten out how you approach those feelings.

    Whatever route you take, I hope this passes for you soon and you start to feel so much better. Those feelings suck, but life can absolutely get better.

  • I actually very recently tried it. I’m sure it’s great but something about the UI or maybe general paradigm switch versus apps like Notion really confused me. It looks great though, so I’m sure I’ll give it another go sometime when I have a bit more time to really learn it. Nonetheless, I appreciate the recommendation!

  • It’s definitely not for everyone. My wife and I have a lot of overlap in our comedy preferences and are both big fans of SNL and everything Mitchell & Webb have done. On the other hand, I Think You Should Leave is my all-time favorite sketch show, but she couldn’t even get through the first season. It’s got a real sense of absurdism and weird social interactions that aren’t for all tastes.

    Don’t feel bad if you can’t get into it - there’s tons of great TV out there. No need to waste your life on one show just in case you don’t like it. If you weren’t into the first few episodes you probably won’t like the rest as it’s all the same style.

  • Yes! When I discover a new band I always like to listen to their stuff chronologically, as you said. At times this can be rough. Some bands start off very strong, but often bands take a few albums before they get good and I have to slog through a few before I find one I like.

    I’m having the opposite problem right now. Radiohead’s first two albums are some of my favorite ever, but I’ve never been able to get into their stuff after those two. Currently I’m making an effort to go through the rest of their discography in order to see if there’s anything else I like. I’m 5 albums in and there’s been a few specific tracks I like, but none of the albums thus far compare to those first two for me. As an album-based listener this is weirdly stressful to me.

  • I’m old and vastly prefer to listen to albums in their entirety rather than just specific songs. I’ll still sometimes listen to an album on repeat a bunch, but I think this effect is slightly dulled on me because I’m listening to 10ish tracks on repeat rather than just the one.

    My wife though - she’ll play the same 3 albums on repeat for a goddamn year at a time. I still can’t stand The Hives because they’re all I heard in our car for far too long.