Yep, the other comment is even more ChatGPT-ish. And the account was created today. Guess that’s a bot.
Yep, the other comment is even more ChatGPT-ish. And the account was created today. Guess that’s a bot.
Take that as you will, but you sound like ChatGPT.
well, I managed to upgrade from 16.04 to 22.04 without any major issues
High quality tea can be brewed multiple times, you’d typically use a higher tea to water ratio than for a single steep though.
Green, pu erh and especially oolong teas also often change their flavor profile and taste in subsequent steeps, bringing out more nuanced flavors.
Ubuntu at work, Mint on my laptop, Win10 and Debian on my pc. I need to upgrade to Win11 at some point but I guess I’ll wait until next year for that.
Have you looked at how Obsidian handles it? I think their solution is pretty much perfect. You have the markdown, you write wysiwym, but you only ever see the source when your cursor is in that specific line/part. Also for equations.
I’ve got a Pulse 15 for a few years now and I’m very happy with it. The keyboard is not the best, but I can live with that.
The Pulse is based on some Clevo machine, you might want to look at what the Stellaris is based on to find more reviews.
Hmm yes, I tried both, quick release and letting it cool down, also with chickpeas. Always ended up in mush…
I have a stovetop one, so there’s no program for me, I just tried what some recipies on the internet recommend.
how do you prepare them? Whenever I tried using a pressure cooked for dried beans they turned out mush.
Pressed garlic has a much more intense flavor. For a stew or most cooked stuff I would squash and chop it, for sauces or garlic oil I prefer pressed.
It’s also much faster as you don’t have to peel it and if you wash the press right away it’s just as fast as washing a knife.
In kdenlive, the following settings work well for me (you can transfer the options to ffmpeg cli as well if you prefer that):
f=matroska movflags=+faststart vcodec=libx264 tune=stillimage progressive=1 g=1000 bf=2 crf=%quality acodec=flac ar=48000
For reference, I get a 3.7 GB video with a duration of over 5 h @4k resolution. The audio itself is already 3.7 GB and it’s just a still image. For CRF, set something around 23, that should do.
There’s a machine doing all the rolling out to specific thicknesses that’s used in bakeries
Ich hab schon Raben gesehen, die ganze Tauben zerfetzt und verspeist haben. Würde mich nicht wundern wenn die das auch mit Spatzen machen.
Keine Ahnung was im Glysantin G30 drinnen ist. Worauf ich achten würde ist, dass es das Material nicht angreift (Kunststoff etc.).
Was ist denn dein Usecase? WiFi kannst du auch über M.2, PCIe oder USB nachrüsten falls das deine Auswahl erweitert. Und warum nimmst du eine 2 TB und eine 500 GB M.2? 500 GB SSDs würd ich heute ehrlich gesagt nicht mehr kaufen, der Preisunterschied ist einfach zu gering. Da würd ich eher 2x2 TB oder so nehmen für die paar Euro mehr.
Wofür brauchst du die PCIe slots denn noch außer für die GPU?
Ich würd dir außerdem zu einem möglichst beliebten Board raten. Ist die Wahrscheinlichkeit auch höher dass du noch lange Updates bekommst.
found the vim user
Something like a ASRock 4x4 with a 5800U should draw about 10W in idle, but you can certainly shut it off when you’re not watching. I use a small tower because it also holds some storage for my home NAS and jellyfin server.
This is why you should keep backups, which, for me, includes physical printouts of access data stored in a safe location. That’s also helpful if something should happen to you.