• 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 17th, 2023


  • unzip && strip && touch && finger && grep && mount && fsck && more && yes && fsck && fsck && umount && clean && sleep

    Edit: and yes, this joke is older than the gods as evidenced by the presence of finger, and I’m not sure clean is a thing in modern UN*X distros. Not in FreeBSD at any rate

  • And may the gods help you if you ask a noobish question related to Linux on some distros’ forums or reddit.

    Q: How do I frob the qux in the GUI?

    A1: only morons frob the qux, you need to fleem the flarb and you’d know this if you read the wiki

    A2: read the wiki. No I’m not going to link to it out of principle, do it yourself

    A3: only morons use the GUI, use the terminal!

    A4: [unrelated answer involving hammers and plankton]

    A5: everybody should know how to frob the qux you fuckin noob

    Ok it’s not quite this bad anymore and I’m being hyperbolic, but reality isn’t too far from this either. It’s like people looked at Linus’ abusive rants and went “yes this is exactly how we should behave as a community”