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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 22nd, 2023

  • Problem is that this project is by an extremist group. It’s easy to agree on things if you think everything is on the table.

    Second part is that the Republican party tends to focus on making sure that people are not educated about what any of the things they talk about mean for the people in the party. Instead they focus on creating the idea that they are under attack by some phantom enemies, going so far as using totally insane conspiracy theories and such and focus on how their policies will hurt those enemies that are the cause of all their current problems. And once people think they’re being attacked, they’ll give up anything to retaliate.

    Then looking at the Democrats, you have a party for right-wing moderates. This party has very little appeal to anyone since most of the right-wing people in the country are enamoured by the extremists. So they don’t really have anything they can do that would appease their target audience all that much. I mean moderate conservatives basically want everything to stay exactly the same.

    And the left wing half of the country basically has no party creating policy for them at all, and due to the electoral college and various other systems in place, there’s no room for more than two parties, and it’s extremely rare for a party to disband so that another can do much of anything.

  • The process might be similar on the withdrawal side, but they are used for very different things. Blood is used to replenish the blood of someone undergoing surgery or who was injured or whatever. Plasma is not given to people. It’s used to make pharmaceutical products primarily. So it’s the difference that one is a necessity to modern medicine and a hell of a lot of it is needed or people will definitely die and much of modern surgery wouldn’t be possible. The other is an ingredient for for-profit products.

  • In my opinion, the difference with Google is that Google is actively using your data and you’re giving them a lot of it. For Cloudflare, what do they have exactly? Depends on what services you use, but really all they get from me is the list of servers that connect to my domains. Google does that too if you use, or if you have any of their hardware that overrides router DNS settings like Chromecast and Google TV.

  • I mean it depends on the intensity of the surge, but basically you’d be making it so your PSU is unable to protect the devices from surges. The more sensitive the electronics, the more critical the ground is and CPUs are pretty darned sensitive among other things. And depending on the type of components in the PSU, “surges” also include things like inrush current. Basically, when you turn on a transformer or certain other devices, there is a surge of sometimes as much as 10 times the rated current to create the initial magnetic flux. Depending on the components, this excess energy may end up getting shunted to the ground to avoid pushing it through your electronics. So if it can’t do that, you likely will blow fuses a lot when switching the power on (hopefully there are fuses), or if you’re touching the case which is supposed to be grounded, you may end up getting that jolt.

    Anyway, without grounded outlets, and especially if your electronics are cheaply made because many expect there to be grounding and don’t build in extra components to deal with not having a ground, you are likely to significantly reduce the life of your electronics, your life, or start a fire without even considering major surges. If you have a high-end PSU, you may never have a problem until that surge happens. How stable is your power? Because even a normally small surge combined with a cheap PSU, and no ground, is pretty likely to end up in damage to electronics at the best case.

  • Automate as much as possible. I rsync to both an online and home NAS for all of my hosted stuff, both at home and in the cloud. Updates for the OS and low level libraries are automated. The other updates are generally manual, that allows me to set aside time for fixing problems that updates might cause while still getting most of the critical security updates. And my update schedules are generally during the day, so that if something doesn’t restart properly, I can fix it.

    Also, whenever possible I assume a fair amount of time for updates, far beyond what it should actually take. That way I won’t be rushed to fix the problem and end up having to revert to a backup and find time later to redo it. Then most of the time I have extra time for analyzing stats to see if I can improve performance or save money with optimizations.

    I’ve never had a remote provider just suddenly vanish though I use fairly well known hosts. And as for local hardware, I just have to do without until I can buy a replacement. Or if it’s going to be some time, I do have old hardware that I could set up as a makeshift, temporary replacement like old desktop computers and some hardware that I use for experimenting like my Le Potato that isn’t powerful enough for much, but ok for the short term.

    And finally I’ve been moving to more container-based setups that are easier to get up and running again. I’ve been experimenting with Nomad, Docker Swarm, K3s, etc., along with Traefik and some other reverse proxies so o can keep the workers air-gapped for security.

  • Best practice varies based on the specific use case, but generally you don’t want to modify sound any more than you have to. The more you modify, the more it has the potential to distort the sound depending on the quality of the particular amplifier and other components. It can get complicated, especially with hardware/analog EQs because of physical quality of the wiring, connections, and components. So, in general, it’s best to leave most things at 0db and change only the things you want to change. However, there are exceptions. Like if you want to change all but one of the frequencies by -4db, you’re better off changing the main amp by -4db and increasing just the one you didn’t want changing by 4db this the EQ is only modifying a small amount of frequency and the rest is passthrough. And generally the main amp is going to have less distortion than the EQ.

    That being said, this is talking about cases where your tolerance for distortion is extremely low or you have a really shitty EQ, in which case it’s probably better to just throw it out and forget the whole thing 🤣. Because most people aren’t going to notice the difference of using the EQ for amplification or the main, even if they aren’t the best quality.

    So, if you really are as picky about stuff that doesn’t matter much, but just want things to be as perfect as possible, like me, balance towards 0 as much as possible using both the EQ and the main. Otherwise, do whatever, probably no one will know the difference.

    Also, I know the math isn’t exactly right for the -4 and +4, but there are other things you need to know to get it perfect anyway for one inline -4 to equal another inline +4. But it’s close enough…

  • I got asked that by a gaggle of 18 yo boys while I was waiting on an elevator in boot camp, trying to embarrass me or something since I was quiet. I looked at them weirdly and said, “Of, course”, like they had just asked if I breathed air. The elevator opened just then and I walked in and though I didn’t get to see their faces, they didn’t get in. It’s small victories over bullies like that that made me realize bullies are weak AF.

  • I self host a lot, but I host a lot on cheap VPS’s, mostly, in addition to the few services on local hardware.

    However, these also don’t take into account the amount of time and money to maintain these networks and equipment. Residential electricity isn’t cheap; internet access isn’t cheap, especially if you have to get business class Internet to get upload speeds over 10 or 15 mbps or to avoid TOS breaches of running what they consider commercial services even if it’s just for you, mostly because of of cable company monopolies; cooling the hardware, especially if you live in a hotter climate, isn’t cheap; and maintaining the hardware and OS, upgrades, offsite backups for disaster recovery, and all of the other costs. For me, VPS’s work, but for others maintaining the OS and software is too much time to put in. And just figuring out what software to host and then how to set it up and properly secure it takes a ton of time.

  • Is that employee autistic? One of the things that management requires is learning to communicate with all types of people and help others communicate. After all, your job isn’t producing something, it’s making sure your employees that do the actual work are able to do their job effectively.

    I’m just using autism as an example because I happen to be on the spectrum, though I’ve learned to mask well over the years. Autism has tons of advantages in the way we think. Great at analysis, great at handling emergencies, etc., but our communication style is a little different. We tend to need communication to be direct and precise because we analyze things too much sometimes. Problem is that because we’re so used to being misunderstood or misunderstanding people and getting into trouble for it and being scolded for asking clarifying questions because we “should just know what they meant”, that we often don’t ask the questions and try to interpret things in all the possible ways.

    And maybe it’s not even at this job that they were scolded, they just are used to neurotypical people scolding them for the way they think, that they no longer even try to ask questions. So my advice is to make sure the person is not only able to ask questions, but is encouraged to do so if they need to. Make sure to be very positive when they do and make sure the other people they interact with are positive as well. It’s a very small accommodation that could help them thrive and end up being one of your best employees if given the right atmosphere.

    Again, I’m using autism as an example because it’s a commonly misunderstood condition that is not a disease and not curable, nor should anyone try to cure it, it is just a different way of thinking and is a spectrum of various types of ways of thinking that people are often forced to mask and so is commonly undiagnosed or misdiagnosed. Heck, I didn’t figure it out until a few years ago and I’m in my mid-40s. But it took me decades to learn to effectively communicate without knowing why some people just couldn’t get me. Even now I tend to over-communicate as you can see from this wall of text.

    But as a manager you should try to get to know your employees’ strengths and weaknesses, communication styles, etc., and help them to communicate more effectively with each other. It has helped me to be effective at coordinating people.

  • Sounds like the instructions were unclear so the person implemented all possible interpretations in order to avoid any misinterpretation causing problems. If they were forwarded an email and told to send “this” to someone, I can easily see that being interpreted as the email itself. Especially if this wasn’t the first time your instructions were unclear and they got in trouble for not guessing the right interpretation. Being more clear and saying “the product” instead of just “this” might help or even saying the name of the product. Good communication is about being precise, but brief.

    If people are always having to guess your intentions, then some are going to get it right and some won’t. Some will learn how you think and how to interpret your vague instructions and some won’t. But if you learn better communication skills to be more direct in your instructions and leave fewer things open to interpretation, then there won’t be any need for people to guess your intentions. Remember, no one else has the information in your head, only the information in your communication.

  • Because non technically savvy people get comfortable and it’s always difficult to get them to move, so everyone who wants to change, can’t because they end up alone and social media only works if you have people to be social with. Younger people will have the same problem with TikTok and the like when their friends age and they want to move. Only new generations start with a clean slate and can get all their friends to start out at the new sites.

  • Nope. It made it worse if anything. It takes up so much of my time and exhausts me so much both physically and mentally, that I have to give up too much in order to accommodate it. Plus being ND, I can’t form habits, so it requires the same amount of energy and talking myself into doing it every time. And I don’t know when to stop, so I always overdo it, because I’m always “past my limits” so when someone says to “push just past your limits”, I push until I literally can’t move my muscles anymore. I have tons of willpower so there’s no boundary except complete physical collapse for me.