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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: August 21st, 2023

  • My journey was Windows-> Ubuntu -> Mint -> Fedora -> Arch.

    (Infuriatingly i still use windows for gaming, but nothing else.)

    Did i mention that i use arch?

    More importantly:

    fucked up all my data with no backup.

    One time i messed up a script and accidentally copied 40,000 mp3s to the same filename. 20 years of music collecting, literally going back to Napster, all gone.

    Well, not completely gone. I’ve got everything uploaded to iBroadcast, and I’m pretty sure i can download my library. But I’m not sure i deserve to.

  • While you’re not wrong, it’s important to retain a global perspective. There are “communist” leaders that were total pieces of shit and while they did have help, that help wasn’t always capitalist. Stalin is an example here.

    And then there’s pieces of shit who were supported by external forces, but not by capitalist regimes seeking to undermine them. I’m not 100% confident in this history, and there’s no way I’m going to spell his name right, but, the Romanian piece if shit, Caucescu (???) came to power riding a wave of support from the Nazis. Hitler didn’t do it to destabilize Romania, but because he was like, “there’s some good old fashioned fascist genociders down there, let’s give them more guns.” And those fascist genociders were technically communists.

    What I’m getting at is that the enemies of a worker-ruled communist state are many, and many of those enemies are within their own systems. Communism, like every other system, suffers from the fact that there are humans involved. Just because a communism exists doesn’t mean it’s going to be utopia.

    But that also doesn’t mean that communism can’t be good, or at least better.

  • Lol you just provided the simplest counter to the most common capitalist argument.

    “You don’t understand capitalism, bro. The problem isn’t capitalism, it’s the regulation on capitalism. Under a true capitalist system, there can’t be monopolies because capitalism rewards competition.”

    Ok so what happened to all the reddit apps

    Edit: I really like the reddit app example because it’s simple: no regulation or anti-capitalist force made them to that, it was literally just a capitalist decision.

    But regulatory capture is an important part of capitalism, and no matter how many ancap bullshit artists say otherwise, government is absolutely part of the capitalist plan. Giving the workers a “say” (or the illusion of one) keeps them a bit quieter, but more importantly, having a government outsources a lot of crap they would otherwise have to pay for, like infrastructure, which would be a huge strain on profits.

    In fact, the ancap bullshit idea that unregulated markets would improve things is an artificial limitation on capitalist power. Total lack of regulation is a restriction on capitalism.

  • jeremyparker@programming.devtolinuxmemes@lemmy.worldYour .dots have arrived
    8 months ago

    I love you all very much but just please be aware that “the floor” is literally where the files are supposed to go, according to the spec. I don’t like it, you don’t like it, nobody likes it. But that’s why it’s happening.

    Relevant section quoted for the lazy:

    User specific configuration files for applications are stored in the user’s home directory in a file that starts with the ‘.’ character (a “dot file”). If an application needs to create more than one dot file then they should be placed in a subdirectory with a name starting with a ‘.’ character, (a “dot directory”). In this case the configuration files should not start with the ‘.’ character.

  • I’m not sure if there is a “good time” to buy - not as a blanket timeframe for all things. If you want to save money, use camel camel camel and patience.

    However - it all depends on how much you’re talking about trying to save, how substantial that amount is to you, and how much your time is worth - because if you make $20/hour and you spend 16 hours in order to save $5, that’s not a great investment.

    Black Friday is almost always a scam. Maybe once upon a time it wasn’t, but, capitalists gotta capitalize.

  • Idk if I would say it’s looks > usability, and it’s certainly not gaudy… There are theming styles that are much more unusable and gaudy than the “riced” look.

    It’s an aesthetic that idealizes a kind of barebones utility, and while it often will lean towards the look over the usability, the look itself is like a “beautiful utilitarian” - minimalistic, uncluttered, etc.

  • I mean, if this is a package manager challenge then a distro is just a package manager

    And in a lot of ways, it kind of is - now that most distros are using systemd and most distros have all the same stuff in the repos, a distro - in the sense of how different they feel to use - is basically just swapping package managers.

    (Distro maintainers, don’t misunderstand! You folks do way more than just zip up a package manager! Your work is crazy hard and we appreciate you!)

    So if a distro is more than just the package manager, what would that mean:

    1. Default desktop env; obv a big one for Fedora since RH drives both Fedora and Gnome;
    2. Community; another big one for Fedora since it has one and it’s a pretty great one
    3. …? Idk this isn’t like an essay I had planned, I can’t think of anything else off the top of my head ;)

    Point one, yes, OP has betrayed the spirit of Fedora because Gnome isn’t featured in the screenshot - but if we didn’t know better, there’s not actually much in the screenshot that can’t be done in Gnome

    Point 2: any time you’re using a smaller-community WM or DE, yes, you’re going to have to reach beyond the distro’s community - but for a lot of stuff, you’re still in the Fedora community;

    Point 2.5 - and, when posting screens to unixporn communities, the F is what matters; it’s representation, it’s demonstrating what’s possible, it’s showing that Fedora is a viable choice for new ricers that aren’t aware that you can rice any distro; and - maybe most important - it’s cool - OP is literally improving fedora’s reputation by posting something awesome that uses it

    This isn’t a comment to argue, it’s meant as a discussion - what would make it more fedora-ish and less of a package manager challenge?

  • I’m no bearings expert but my gut tells me that if I were to start making cheap toys for kids that centered around bearings that had no significant durability or precision requirements, I would probably not opt for a bearing design that was rare or expensive or unique.

    In fact, I’d probably go knocking on doors of those companies that do have strict requirements and be like, gimme all the ones that failed inspection.

    In fact #2, if i wanted to retire and make everyone in Lemmy threads like this one jealous, I’d start thinking about what other high precision parts probably get thrown out if they fail inspection, that I could buy for next to nothing, and how I could make that into a toy.

    Parts of machines are cool. Parts of machines that are crafted to high standards of precision are cool. The toy probably invents itself. Going viral and getting as popular as fidget spinners tho… That seems harder.

  • This exactly. All the things they’ve bought they’ve slowly started pushing towards monetization, away from users.

    Old Microsoft was specifically fighting Bill Gates’s personal crusade for IP law; now that his influence is diminishing, they’re seeing the dollar signs that are written all over the phrase “free code.”

    (“So I can just… take it? And… sell it?”)

  • jeremyparker@programming.devtolinuxmemes@lemmy.worldSolid advice
    11 months ago

    It’s so easy for you young people. Back in my day, in order to hate Microsoft, we had to understand the virus risks of Windows, we hand to have needed to go into the registry to make some minor customization change; we had to know about Microsoft’s nefarious dealings bribing game dev companies to use Directx when they saw the threat of opengl. We had to know about Bill Gates’s dark side (which he did, really well - but we have Behind the Bastards now). We had to be mad about crap like how they locked down gui customization, killing litestep and bb4win. We had to deeply care about the deep innards of your computing experience (read: ricing) to understand why Microsoft sucked so bad.

    Today, you kids have it so easy - they’re putting ads in the operating system, their core software is all subscription, they’re talking about making the OS itself subscription based. These days they make it so obvious that we’re not their priority, making good software isn’t their priority; their priority is getting our money.

    (I feel like I made the joke already - Microsoft’s really easy to hate these days, you get it - but I’m having fun, so I’m going to keep going.)

    They used to put freecell right on your computer - I’m telling you, we had to go seriously digging to find reasons to hate M$. Freecell, minesweeper, solitaire, that weird pinball game my dad liked - we had to be seriously ungrateful shits to head over to Ubuntu dot com.

    And now, with one click installers, active discord help channels, eager, excited, and friendly people all over, just happy to see the FOSS community grow - engaging in a healthy relationship with computing has never been so easy - 3 or 4 clicks! Asserting your self respect and aligning your daily experience with your ethics was never like this when I was young.

    We used to have to ask on the arch forums where 99% of the time we were told to rtfm (because we hadn’t); we had to be super careful not to let on that we were asking the arch forums about our Ubuntu issues. We had to search for random forum threads that inevitably ended with “nvm i fixed it” - if there was any follow-up at all. We had men whose back sweat trickled down through their unkempt back hair before disappearing into their plumber crack; you guys today have stunningly beautiful men and women who are paid hundreds of thousands of dollars to be “developer advocates” - there are twitch streamers who are getting paid super well at their fancy Netflix jobs but still spend hours and hours of their day sharing their knowledge with newcomers - literally just because they enjoy helping people learn about computers.

    Kidding aside Linux is pretty ok, I hope you enjoy it.