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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 5th, 2023

  • I solved this by purchasing 2 sets of 15 white cotton rags. When I finish evacuating my bowels, I use the bidet. Then toilet paper to make sure everything is clean. Then I use one of the rags to dry off whatever water happened to get on my genitals, before giving the backside a good wipe down as well (women learn this young, but for the men, ALWAYS CLEAN FRONT TO BACK. NEVER BACK TO FRONT. That’s how you get a UTI). Toss the rag into a small laundry hamper I keep in the bathroom, and voila! You’re clean, dry, and ready to go. Just wash the rags with some bleach, and you can fold them as you take a dump instead of doom scrolling.

  • Friday marked 5 years of sobriety from alcohol for me, which was nice. Then on Saturday I went to my city’s pride parade. I asked a friend to come with me, and another friend if they wanted to play a round of disc golf afterwards, but both cancelled. This usually means I wallow in self-pity, but instead I got geared up in my gayest outfit, and enjoyed the festival anyway! it was like 100 degrees, but I was proud to see so many happy people having a great time in one of the most welcoming, accepting environments ever.

  • I want to be known for the things I create. Comedy, acting, and books, mainly. I want to be able to share all the love I have with people that won’t abuse me or my trust. I want to visit all the wildest and most different parts of the world. I want to find success enough that I can give back to the community in a big way. I guess since these are dreams I might as well say in which way I want to give back to the community. I want to found Star Fleet Academy. I want a school whose purpose is to train and develop the future of humanity as it grasps for the stars.