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Joined 8 months ago
Cake day: October 30th, 2023


  • Similar experience seeing Ghost in de Vooruit in Ghent. Must’ve been 2016, back when they were called Ghost BC. Don’t really follow them much anymore, but that venue was on fire.

    Edit - Also amazing:

    • Florence and the machine: amazing voice
    • Ocean Wisdom: whole club bouncing up and down
    • Macklemore: creates a rarely seen vibe with everyone
    • Cypress Hill: such legends even after all these years
    • Hooverphonic: insane voice and they are sometimes guided by an orchestra, so much power
    • Parov Stelar: with an orchestra as well and my god it’s really something to experience live

    A lot of artists sound way different live, I’ve been disappointed as well but these definitely stand out.

  • I feel like we’re having an actual discussion now. However, you go on about proving everything, while making unsupported claims yourself, don’t you think that’s a bit hypocritical? Ah wait, I’ll give you some examples.

    Federating with a 10x larger entity that has a ton of very well known names on their list is going to dwarf anything that the fediverse so far has to offer. I‘m not saying in quality but definitely in quantity.

    Claim 1: no proof this will happen, each instance can decide the degree of federation, no amount of users can dwarf an instance they cannot federate with. Blocking the instance yourself will exclude yourself from any of Meta’s shenanigans immediately.

    If meta ever defederates or limits the capabilities of fediverse instance

    Claim 2: meta cannot limit the capabilities of the fediverse, if they change what ActivityPub stands for, we will fork ActivityPub into what it’s supposed to be, having our federation sans meta like we have now.

    thousands of (again) hooked addicts will flock back to them. It’s literally obvious if you have any experience with addiction.

    Claim 3: Obsolete platforms have no way of defeating obsolescence, here’s a paper on why dead internet platforms cannot be revived. There will ALWAYS be algorithmic, profit driven, centralised platforms, why would meta choosing to defederate lead to a mass exodus of lemmy when people who want that are already getting their fix? If anything, it could lead to more people joining lemmy instead. The point is we don’t know. Also, making a statement like this is textbook fearmongering, which leads me to my next point.

    Fearmongering is if the media or the government does it, not people who are actually there using the stuff and suffering under things. That is called asking others for help/to understand.

    Claim 4: Fearmongering - the action of intentionally trying to make people afraid of something when this is not necessary or reasonable. source

    It is not reasonable to deny everyone the federation of meta because you fear a mass exodus back to facebook, according to my previous source people will find their algorithmic fix elsewhere, but rarely the same platform.

    Because it is the right thing to do.

    Claim 5: “the right thing to do” still does not mean anything: for ukraine the right thing to do is for russia to give back their land. If you’re russia the right thing to do is for ukraine to give back their land. You see how this statement holds no value at all?

    “social media is a drug”

    Claim 6: I agree with this one, so here are your sources why decriminalisation, ie not punishing users of them, but providing them the resources and tools to help them, is the way to go. Not one, but two sources backing that up.

    Denying people the option of a federated meta instance will cause less people to switch over, period. Having a place where people can still access the other platform, without actually being on said platform will drastically increase the userbase.

    Don’t take my word for it, just listen to the lemmy devs:

    In practical terms: Imagine if you could follow a Facebook group from your Reddit account and comment on its posts without leaving your account. If Facebook and Reddit were federated services that used the same protocol, that would be possible. With a Lemmy account, you can communicate with any other compatible instance, even if it is not running on Lemmy. All that is necessary is that the software support the same subset of the ActivityPub protocol.

    Unlike proprietary services, anyone has the complete freedom to run, examine, inspect, copy, modify, distribute, and reuse the Lemmy source code. Just like how users of Lemmy can choose their service provider, you as an individual are free to contribute features to Lemmy or publish a modified version of Lemmy that includes different features. These modified versions, also known as software forks, are required to also uphold the same freedoms as the original Lemmy project. Because Lemmy is libre software that respects your freedom, personalizations are not only allowed but encouraged.


    So, from the 6 claims I listed, only one can be sourced.

  • So I tell you to block the instance, or join an instance that has defederated with meta, and you would have literally zero impact of any of what you said, did you reply to that? No.

    So I follow your addiction rethoric and give you a real life example which contradicts that exact rethoric, did you reply to that? No.

    I have the same concerns as you, express them but have a different approach, did you reply to that? No.

    So now I’ll tell you this, instead of projecting, pulling up a strawman and overall passive aggressiveness, do realise we’re on the same team, we all want what is best for the federation. But the great thing about the federation is anyone can choose what they see, literally. For all I know federation with meta turns out to be a giant shit show, for all you know it turns into what could be the best thing for ActivityPub, more users, more publicity, more platforms joining in. I am open to being wrong, but are you?

    Edit: Why not wait and see.

  • I agree with the premise that Meta is a horrible company and we pay close attention on how its federation progresses. I still have not seen a single argument that holds any weight, from you as well, against the wait and see approach.

    “Because it’s the right thing to do” is not an argument, it’s a statement without anything to back you up. What is right is subjective to everyone.

    Also, I have not changed gears, and still firmly believe there’s a lot to be gained. Any concerns you have, I already answered. Anyone has a place in the fediverse, because its core principle is exactly that. Don’t agree? Then block the fucking instance.