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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 8th, 2023


  • I would survive just fine as long as you follow my instructions. I can live on a diet of 90% hay with a small amount of species appropriate pellets and a salad every day. I am going to need a lot of room to play and shouldn’t be confined to a small cage. At minimum I need an exercise pen as my home base with at least 6 hours so I can run around the house and binky. I should have a box to hide in because I’m easily frightened and I would live underground in the wild. I will do better if you keep my water in a bowl but by all means put it in a bottle if i prefer that. It’s better for me to stay hydrated than to try to exist within some ideal that doesn’t work for me.

    And for the love of God it’s a myth that I don’t need medical care! I have a very sensitive digestive system and it’s a critical emergency if I don’t eat for more than a few hours or if my eating slows and my poops get small. So many people say their lagomorphlecture just died with no warning but if they knew what the warnings were and took them to get treatment they would be ok.

    I should definitely be soayed or neutered regardless of your society’s beliefs about that. Uterine and testicular cancer are very common and I’m unlikely to live past 6bor 7 years old if you don’t get me fixed.

    I am a very social creature and I should be kept with a bonded mate. If I lose my mate I will become depressed and need either a new lagomorphlecture to keep me company or a lot of your time to help me get through it. It can help me accept the loss if you show me the body of my mate so I can understand and accept that they are gone.

    I will provide you with further instructions for my care later on.

  • Part of it probably depends on what beans. I eat a lot of chickpeas and I think they’re a harder bean and less likely to get mushy. The other one is black beans and definitely they would be easier to overcook. Did you do the quick release? If not, next time quick release then immediately drain them and give them a quick rinse in cold water. I’m just using the bean setting on my instant pot so if that’s what you’re doing and it’s still mushy with the quick release, figure out how long that cooks for and drop it by a minute or two.

  • This recipe is so good. I’m a vegetarian, not vegan, but I’m always looking for really good no meat options and this is just delicious, basically it’s beef stew flavored.

    Also you can replace the meat in tacos and gyros with lentils using the same seasoning, also delicious. Just use whatever recipe you normally like for those.

    You should look into chickpeas. Personally I find that lentils work great where you might use red meat and chickpeas work great where you might use white meat/chicken so you don’t even need specific recipes because you can just omit the meat and add the legumes instead.

  • It is a convection oven but most people don’t have a fancy oven with a convection oven. Yeah you can make it in the oven but it comes out better in the air fryer and mine heats in literally one minute, I can use it in summer because it doesn’t add nearly as much heat to my house, etc. It’s way more convenient than using the massive oven for a plate of fries or something and I can even cook an entire pizza in the air fryer I got using the bake setting, which again is just much easier and more convenient for me.

  • Have you looked into the one time expense of buying an air fryer? You can make your own chips/fries/etc which are both cheaper and healthier. Obviously you have to buy the appliance but it pays off in terms of health and groceries eventually. Like, crackers are usually loaded with crap ingredients. You could air fry some potatoes in a little spray of healthy oil for a dollar or two and do your wallet and your heart a solid AND you’re still getting your daily allotment of potatoes lol

  • I am lucky that my income to expenses is a good ratio so I can buy what I want without undue hardship but I cringe because I used to feed myself for about half the money.

    I do buy items in bulk when the bulk unit price is significantly lower if it will keep and I will use it eventually. I will also try to get these items while they are on sale. This is a one time high expenditure that pays off in the long run and unfortunately the people who need to do this most are the ones who can’t afford the extra expense at one time of buying bulk. I do this with things like rice, beans (I’m vegetarian so I’m not eating beans because I can’t afford anything else, it’s a big part of my diet). Also things like flour, salt, pepper, anything that doesn’t easily spoil and will get used eventually.

    I also allow the store to track the fuck out of me on their app by clipping store coupons. Unfortunately this is a necessary evil because it usually saves me $10 to $15 per week.

    With fruits and vegetables, buying what’s in season during the growing months saves a lot and buying frozen vegetables instead of fresh has the same or better nutritional profile but can be much cheaper.