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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 20th, 2023


  • This is also one of the biggest reasons for me why i stopped hosting things for strangers. My country is insanely backwards with when it comes to internet law. For example Mastodon (and others) caches media and text-contents of posts from remote instances on your own server, you are now distributing - you don’t even need to directly follow someone who posts media (attachments) or even just links to a website thats hosts unlawful stuff and you’re on the hook and considered just as responsible as the original poster. Insanity.

  • Es werden zu wenig Kassensitze an Therapeuten verteilt, damit ist das Angebot an kassenzugelassenen Therapeuten künstlich limitiert. Die einzige Möglichkeit den ganzen Abtelefonier-quatsch zu umgehen ist wohl, wie schon von anderen vorgeschlagen, einen privat bezahlten Therapeut zu suchen. Leider sind die häufig auch nicht besser als Kassentherapeuten und die Suche nach einem wirklich hilfreichen Therapeuten bleibt… und es wird teuer. Wo kämen wir da auch hin wenn die arme arme Versicherung mehr in Therapie steckt, die gehen bestimmt unter wenn auch nur ein weiterer Kassensitz vergeben wird. 🙄

  • I wanted to start a community, including a matrix server for chatting, but public signups cause some “undesirables” to sign up and when I finally figured out what rooms they joined and what they were posting (unencrypted) I had to nope out of the whole project over night. They seem to scan the federated network for public instances with open registrations and then do shit like this. It’s a shame but the only community effort I could see myself doing in the future would need to be friend-to-friend networks or invite only or something like that…

  • Bind9 is the industry standard [citation needed] nameserver. Takes a bit of time to get used to but it’s very powerful. To make a nameserver authoritative for a domain name you would change the NS records with your domain provider, often they have an easy to change option in the web interface, and create a master zone with your desired records for that domain. NS records can only point to IPs though so if you have a dynamic home IP it will be difficult to stay reachable since TLD NS records usually have a long cache time. Some providers may also require you to provide at least 2 nameservers (for redundancy) as that’s what’s in the spec.

  • Luna@lemmy.catgirl.biztoAsk Lemmy@lemmy.worldDo you prefer Matrix or Discord?
    10 months ago

    I think the poll is kind of pointless. Ask a gamer to pick between discord or matrix and discord will always win. Discord has been oriented towards gamers since its inception while Matrix provides a very specific niche of communications infrastructure that in no way integrates gamers except by virtue of being a chat platform. Matrix is objectively the better protocol if you’re interested in safe, decentralised communication. Discord on the other hand has more features that gamers use. Different use cases, different expectations, different solutions 🤷‍♀️

    There’s no reason the matrix people (or some third party) couldn’t build a product that’s just like discord but bigger, better, etc, with the best of both worlds. But nobody has done it yet and it may take a long time until we get there.