Hmmm, interesting. I like brew, for sure. And devcontainers worked ok for me when I was working on something by myself.
But as soon as I started working on a side project with a friend, who uses Ubuntu and was not trying to develop inside a container, things got more complicated and I decided to just use brew instead. I’m sure I could have figured it out, but we are both working full time and have families and are just doing this for fun. I didn’t want to hold us up!
Our little project’s back end runs in a docker compose with a Postgres instance. It’s no problem to run it like that for testing.
Maybe a re-read of the documentation for devcontainers would help…
94 is the oldest relative I’m aware of. It was my great grandfather. Staying active his whole life, a simple diet, and a generally positive outlook seems to have been the key.
Most of my family say I’m a lot like him!