Moving from

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: August 9th, 2023


  • This could have been written by me. I despise capitalism, capitalists, and if I could, would ensure that every company knowingly polluting or harming people or the planet would be dissolved and their boards put in jail, or worse. I have always hated capitalism, I’m realizing, the older I get, and learning how many of these companies KNEW the consequences of their greed makes me even more radicalized against it.

    We glamorize wealth hoarding and that baffles me. I have a 4yo son. I see in him the same things I see in these capitalists. I give him what he wants, say a scoop of ice cream. I get some for myself, maybe a different flavor, and he asks for mine. He gets upset when I tell him to enjoy what he has and that I want to enjoy my ice cream too.

    Recently, we got into LEGO and I will be building something, usually just fucking around, and I’ll start to make something cool. He’ll come up and want it. Even with other blocks, it’s what little I have that he wants. Sometimes, there is no amount of persuasion to allow me to continue what I’m doing.

    I’m convinced that greed is just a regression/stopping of cognitive development to the level of a child. I would pity these capitalist fuckers if they weren’t destroying the planet and our lives for their greed.

    Makes me think, sure, go ahead, build that bunker to escape the disaster you [capitalists] created. Nature may not be able to get in that easily, but people didn’t become the apex hunters of this planet from giving up. Persistence will reap what you have sowed.

  • You might care if someone close to you, who was a closeted gay, is ripped out of their home one night and never heard from again? Maybe a family member, with a black spouse, is lynched for daring to marry a white woman? Or, even closer to home, perhaps a tweet or post you made from 2010 suddenly becomes against a decency law and you’re questioned, tortured, and jailed for it?

    At what point, exactly, would it behoove you to care? When it’s your neck on the line only?

  • Pretty much why I’m glad I switched to Proton. They came out with Proton Pass, which includes aliasing, and I haven’t looked back. So far, I haven’t had any leak. However, I have come up against one, some shop service used by some companies, such as Vessi and CrunchLab. It uses the email address you put in with the first company you bought from. Kind of annoying but not deal breaking.