I just wanted to confirm from our meeting just now, did you want me to (some crazy shit that could cause problems)?

  • 4 Posts
Joined 6 months ago
Cake day: January 9th, 2024


  • Yes.

    This is a fuckin five alarm fire. It’s time to leave the building. Don’t grab your shit, don’t put your shoes on first, fuckin worry about your safety first and foremost because this is an emergency.

    I don’t know what to do, to be honest. I feel like if you just went to DC near the physical location of the Supreme Court at any point in the next week you would see at least a decent number of people carrying signs and yelling. I thought about traveling there and finding them and talking to them about who they’re with and how I can join. I don’t know that that will solve the problem, but I think it would probably put you in touch with people who are at least doing fuckin something about it.

    It will be good to have allies, learn what people are trying to do, maybe some of it will be productive, and then if the real bad shit starts roughly one year from now, at least you have some allies in place. But yes. It’s a fuckin emergency. It’s real, real bad.

  • mozz@mbin.grits.devtoSelfhosted@lemmy.worldHDD data recovery
    5 days ago

    You’re going to think I am joking but I am not. Multiple people have sworn to me that this works for a common failure mode of HDD drives and I’ve literally never heard someone say they tried it and it failed. I’ve never tried it. Buyer beware. Don’t blame me if you fuck up your drive / your computer it’s connected to / anything else even worse by doing this:

    1. Stick it in the freezer for a short while.
    2. Take it out.
    3. Boot it up.
    4. If it works, get all the data off it as quick as you can.

  • political extremists, tech nerds, privacy enthusiasts, and shitposters

    Dude thank god

    I miss my old nerd internet. I won’t say you’re wrong for wanting something that isn’t that, but I personally wish it was more that way than it currently is. SDF or mander is honestly a lot closer to how I like the culture and interactions to be, than Lemmy.world. I was super psyched when I came on and there were all these communists and science weirdos.

    for the general masses? Lemmy is just not good.

    For example, a NBA post on the NBA subreddit can get you thousands of interactions in a couple of hours. An NBA post on here will maybe get you a dozen over the course of a couple of days.

    Honestly, when sports started showing up on the main page of Reddit it was confusing and alarming to me. I recognize that I am the weird one here (from the POV of the ordinary person society), but I much prefer just having my nerd stuff and having it be unencumbered by any normal person stuff

    I think we actually have exactly the same view of Lemmy and its accurate position in relation to most normal people, just disagreeing over whether that is or isn’t a good thing

  • Maybe you are gone already so won’t see this.

    But I actually agree with your central point that the politics and tech communities on Lemmy are full of strife and hostility that doesn’t need to be there. Actually most of the rest of it seems fine, but if you care about politics or tech, the quantity of dickheads get hard to ignore.

    My strategy has been to pretty aggressively cull some communities out of my subscriptions, and then make a little hobby out of attempting to disagree with some of the dickheads good naturedly in places I still subscribe to. Be the change you want to see in the world and etc. I don’t always succeed.

    I have to say, skimming over your user, that it looks to me like most of the time when you get downvotes, it’s not because of anything opinion based, but because you’re being hostile and dismissive of the other person’s point of view – sometimes like instantly right out of the gate, like “oh great I’m sure this thread is going to be FULL of people saying wrong opinion X which is obviously wrong”… which is exactly what you’re saying you’re sick of. IDK, man, you could be right or wrong. But being hostile about it and actively trying to pick fights with the other viewpoint even before anyone has shown up to express it seems like it’s not exactly gonna draw people gathering around you throwing roses and warmly embracing you if that’s what you’re looking for. If you’re looking for lots of fighting then sure but it sounds like that is not what you are after.

    Like I say I gave up on certain communities because of what you’re saying. I won’t say at all that your assessment is wrong. But also I do think there’s a certain degree to which (again just saying what I’ve seen looking back a little) you’ve created exactly the strife as well on your side.

  • Debian is mine and has been for decades + I’m a little bit happy to see it’s still well represented / well thought of in the community. Everything works, and you can choose new + exciting with headaches sometimes, or old + stable with no headaches but old.

    Only real issue is the package management hasn’t kept pace with node / python / go / everything else wanting to do its own little mini package management, and so very occasionally that side is a little bit of a mess

    NixOS I would like to try at some point as the core philosophy seems a little more suited to the modern (Docker / pip / etc) era, but I never messed with it

  • ActivityPub is so loosely designed (in my opinion as somewhat of an outsider) that the opportunity was squandered to be able to have all different services interact smoothly with each other. It’s basically one little fiefdom per app, and if Pixelfed wants to make itself compatible with Mastodon’s fiefdom, then fine, and likewise for Mbin with Lemmy and etc, but it’s not really “cross compatible” between the whole universe of apps, in the same way as other better-designed protocols like email work, where it’s just “email” with no app specificity to it. It is a shame and a missed opportunity with how the protocol was designed, I think.

    I think in general, the fediverse people are working on solutions, but we’re sort of stuck into the present setup which has this not really ideal compartmentalization and there’s not a good way to fix it. Certainly not from the Lemmy side that I’m aware of. Two possibilities though:

    • Pixelfed has in-progress work on groups support, which is apparently very close to reality and at which point it should be able to interoperate with both Mastodon and Lemmy, which are the two main fiefdoms at present. And, Dan seems like he takes it pretty seriously the idea of maintaining compatibility all around (incl specifically with Lemmy).
    • You can do kbin/mbin, which is more “Lemmy like” and is the best currently-working option I’m aware of for interoperating with Mastodon and Lemmy both (incl following Mrs. Hedge on Pixelfed and also any Lemmy communities). That’s why I am using mbin currently FWIW.