My dude, cops never gave a damn about pot. It was always a pretextual reason to screw with people.
My dude, cops never gave a damn about pot. It was always a pretextual reason to screw with people.
Patriotism leads to nationalism, xenophobia, and racism. Not always, of course, but often enough to make it a horrible thing. Our communities are only as good as we make them, and any notion that presupposes greatness is antithetical to continued improvement.
It is a Ponzi scheme, my friend. The point is irrational belief that they could have value somehow.
If you’re interested to try to get to know this person, you can ask directly as others have mentioned. They might naturally interpret it as you hitting on them, if the ages and such are similar.
If you want to be cautious, small talk is fun and less direct. Mention something from the local community or last weekend or whatever. Talk about the weather.
Regular font size is the same in Japan. 11 or 12 pt. or whatever. For Japanese, try “mincho” (serif) as opposed to “gothic” (sans) and you might find it easier.
Easy to read either with a little practice, tho.
I want to use free open source software, and if I were a business customer I would certainly want my business to use free open source software when reasonable.
If all we’re doing is sharing files and messaging each other, I don’t know why we would need Teams. There are so many other options that work quite well.
I don’t hate it, but I don’t think it would typically solve my problems in ways that other software doesn’t already do better.
From an advertising perspective, it’s important to think about who you’re targeting. Who are your likely customers? Certainly there are some based on the strengths that you raised.
However, some people are definitely not a good target audience, and some people is actually a very large group of people. There are a lot of current and potential users who essentially want the standard major applications to work, and they’re not going to touch the root partition, and they want things to be very simple. For people like that, Debian or Ubuntu or Fedora already do what they want. And these major operating systems have been around for so long that people will naturally be more confident using them, because they were their friends have experience, or because they think the organization has more stability because of its experience.
Of course a lot of things depend on how you define words, but to me the above paragraph describes the mainstream audience, and I don’t think you’re going to have much luck reaching them, because I don’t think the thing you’re trying to sell gives them extra value. In other words, it’s not solving a problem for them, so why should they care.
Many sites work best with NoScript because the anti AdBlock is done by JavaScript.
(Of course that doesn’t always work, but when it does, great.)
What does your question mean? What is “people are worse”?
Cops are bad everywhere. They will ally themselves with anyone who is rich and powerful. Cops don’t care what party the judge or mayor is in, because power is the point.
Non-white people who physically resist the pigs or open carry, for example, know that there’s an extra high chance the racist pigs will smoke them. At the same time, they get targeted more just because of their appearance. So the data on who acts in what ways around cops is skewed in weird ways.
What are you talking about? YouTube? The Pirate Bay? The radio? I’m honestly don’t understand why these sites don’t count.
Again, verbal assurances mean nothing, especially if they know the issue has internal political implications as this one obviously does. And even if they believe you, that doesn’t mean they trust your boss, so anything they say could still burn them later. Words alone can’t resolve this dilemma.
Also, has anyone tried what you’re trying before? If so, maybe you’re struggling because of past failure, not your fault but still your problem now.
Verbal assurances mean little to many. At least put it in an email. Otherwise CYA dominates.
Sometimes people use FB to look up old acquaintances. I don’t, but it is a thing that one could do, and in fact many people do it.
Probably this also depends how often you moved. For example, if you moved away at age 18 and then somewhere else at age 22 or whatever, and will never go back to where you once were, it’s probably not so interesting to keep track of the past jerks. But if you’re still in the same city or region, maybe you would care more.
Universal health care is better than whatever you have, for 99.9% of the people 99.9% of the time. And it always was. And always will be.
No…? It is a big country with many states and cities. Shit is complicated. Some things run well, others are delicate. It all depends what you’re looking at.
Why is it still around? That is a peculiar question. Do you imagine the people disappearing? Probably not. So … what do you mean?
I don’t feel that our society is atomized or individualistic, but that’s going to depend on what kind of life you live. Standard advice is to join clubs or volunteer, and after a month or 6 months at any given place, sit down and think about whether it’s helping you achieve the social goals that you want to achieve. If it’s not, walk away.
I wouldn’t say it’s been less moderated, but rather moderated differently.
Mainly because you forgot about the rest of the world. In whatever country you’re thinking of, corporations could try that, and then anyone who was hosted abroad would still be online and everyone could just go access them.
The other point is that corporations compete against each other. Sometimes they will work together in order to screw over the general public, but they will also work against each other to make an extra buck. That unity that you think exists on the right, it actually doesn’t.
Cops don’t have a duty to protect you. Sorry, but you better build your own safety net, cuz the pigs will do whatever they feel like doing.