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Joined 10 months ago
Cake day: December 12th, 2023


  • I’m in my forties so I was around when cell phones first became a thing and you had to T9 type your messages and was in my late twenties when smartphones became a things. The cost is the right answer. It was much cheaper in the states to txt earlier than other places. So the US stuck with SMS longer as that’s what people were used to and it eventually became free while in other parts of the world it did not but data and WiFi became more affordable, so people jumped to IM.

  • This is location specific. In the mainstream US FB use is down among youth and because of that it is has gone down among older adults. FB marketplace is still pretty popular and so is Instagram. So even in the US Meta is doing okay.

    Internationally, specifically Latin America, Europe and SE Asia, Facebook, WhatsApp, Marketplace are effectively the most popular way to communicate on anything.

    WhatsApp is basically the phone, Marketplace is in some places the only way to find real estate and just about anything else. And Facebook is used by every business.

    Meta internationally is raking in Ad money in the billions and billions. People have been convinced that their privacy is worth less than the convenience and utility. Because for them there is no better alternative. In addition in some of these cultures the idea of privacy is a foreign concept.

  • You seem to be seeking some kind of AI proxy, I think you’re trying to anonymize your prompts. VPNs and Wikipedia are not ideal examples of this. But I will try to answer the intent of your question.

    All AI as a service provider will log your queries. The only way to sort of anonymize would be to use someone else’s key/credentials. But that would just push off the logging to someone else. It’s like sharing out your Netflix password…

    The only truly anonymous way is to run your own, by self hosting an open LLM, which is doable, yet much more complicated, and would not be as good as the current big company services.