I have a homeassistant instance connected to a no-name Z-wave thermostat. It’s been flawless for almost 10 years.
I have a homeassistant instance connected to a no-name Z-wave thermostat. It’s been flawless for almost 10 years.
About five years ago the exhaust fan on my furnace started making noise. It sounded like a bearing issue, so I figured out the correct replacement part, ordered it and installed it myself.
It cost a little under $200 all told. I know that the service call would have been at least $500.
So many of the things we own are made of generic parts that you can buy off of amazon for less than the cost of getting a guy to come look at it.
They are very much angled and it drives me insane.
I have almost no opinions on specific fonts. Except… I absolutely despise the $ and ¢ symbols in Apple’s San Francisco font. Since it’s the default font I have to look at it a lot.
If you buy this property you’re going to be sitting there waiting for the day they send you a letter to tell you they’re expanding their mine onto your property.
That’s a level of uncertainty that I would not be comfortable with for my home. If it’s “recreation” property, like hunting land, then maybe I would feel differently.