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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 2nd, 2023


  • I’m a big fan of cheap (as in ~$10/yr vps) and reverse proxy over wireguard. My home ip isn’t exposed and I’m able to quickly spin new containers up by updating my reverse proxy config and adding a wireguard peer.

    I keep two VPSs- one as reverse proxy for all my miscellaneous services and another solely for email. The latter port forwards raw traffic over wireguard to my email server container. That way, even if the VPS gets compromised, my personal data remains secure.

    I end up paying ~ $30/yr (+ whatever I’m paying in electricity) for domain + VPS. It’s a bit more involved than tailscale, etc, but I’m willing to put in a little extra work to make sure I’m not at the mercy of some company getting up to some rent-seeking bullshit.

  • The only option that fits your budget today I can think of would be picking up one of the old xeon combos off of AliExpress. I spent like $100 on a MB+CPU+64GB DDR4 combo with a 2880 v4 I think. 14c/28t at any rate. You can probably grab a case/power supply/video card used for under $50 on eBay.

    Please note that I’m not saying that this is a good option; it took a lot of fiddling for me to get mine running smoothly. But if you’ve got more time and patience than money, it might work for you.

  • Doesn’t this only put a (statistical) limit on how cheaply a civilization can launch planet-ending attacks? It may well be feasible for a civilization to aim and accelerate a mass to nearly the speed of light in order to protect itself from a future threat. It doesn’t necessarily follow it would be feasible or desirable to spend the presumably nontrivial resources needed to do so on every planet where simple life is detected.

    Add to this the fact that, at least I understand it, evidence of our current level of technological sophistication (e.g. errant radio waves) attenuates to the point of being undetectable with sufficient distance and the dark forest becomes a bit more viable again.

    Personally, I don’t like it as an answer to the Drake equation, but I think that it fails for social rather than technological/logical reasons. The hypothesis assumes a sort of hyper-logical game theory optimized civilization that is a. nothing whatsoever one our own and b. unlikely to emerge as any civilization that achieves sufficient technological sophistication to obliterate another will have gotten there via cooperation.

  • I think ChromeOS has its place, i.e. institutional settings and users with minimal tech literacy. I do IT for a non profit that employs and helps folks coming out of prison after long terms (many of whom have literally never touched a computer in their lives). As much as I dislike many of Google’s practices, Chromebooks make our work possible. I can’t imagine trying to singlehandedly manage hundreds of Windows/Mac/Linux systems by myself, to say nothing of teaching the additional intricacies. Is chromeos my ideal daily driver, absolutely not. However, it’s an incredibly accessible tool that allows folks with limited tech expertise and limited budgets to engage with the modern infrastructure of life.

  • In addition to all of the open source options that have been offered, Davinci Resolve runs well on Linux and has all of the above features (and many, many more). It’s also a buy once keep forever situation rather than a subscription since they make their real money on hardware. OSS it isn’t, but it’s incredibly powerful, has an extensive free (as in beer) edition and beats the hell out of paying a monthly fee.

  • I second this. I use a couple of dirt cheap VPSs from racknerd ($24/yr for 1 CPU/512Mb ram, but you can find coupons online to get them for $10/yr 1CPU/768mb ram) one does port forwarding over wireguard to my mail server so I can keep all my data in house, the other hosts an NGINX reverse proxy for all my web services. Works great. I use the reverse proxy for nextcloud and jellyfin for myself and 6 other users. Never had an issue. (Well, never had an issue I didn’t cause myself at any rate.)

    It’s a little harder to set up than some of the other suggestions, but it’s cheap, fully transparent to users, and doesn’t expose your home network to the outside world.

  • Nope. It just maps a single user and group from the container to a regular user on the host. With the above config, root in the container has the “real” UID of 100000. It can’t make changes to anything any other unprivileged user can. A privileged container otoh runs root as root. It can do a lot of damage. By running privileged containers you’re kind of throwing out a good portion of LXC’s benefits.