That’s the scary thing. It looks like this narrowly missed getting into Debian and RH. Downstream downstream that is… everything.
That’s the scary thing. It looks like this narrowly missed getting into Debian and RH. Downstream downstream that is… everything.
Yep. Sounds right. Welcome to learning docker compose.
I assume there is nothing in the database? Delete the file under volumes and relaunch. At a guess your database for initialized without a user and is now just in that state.
As others have said, remove the # to uncommit the line.
Commits are a special type of line in many languages that allow us humans to stick info (generally for humans) inside the code that the interpreter skips over. From the machines perspective this block looks like:
Note that the entire line is missing.
As a side note. Please change the password as it’s been posted to the Internet.
Enterprise tooling (aka a usable API) and it stays out if my way.
I have a framework. Hands down the best laptop I’ve ever worked with/on.
Depends on how niche. Some stuff unfortunately only comes from truly large user bases. At a guess, the further you go from a tech/liberal core and overlapping hobbies, the longer it will take for the content to emerge.
The people who are here are more willing to post. So less of us overall but also less lurkers.
Hey now! Gitlab ci is totally fine so long as your simply running your build.sh file out of it. Anything more and your risking madness.
So for years I was similar on reddit. Then I realized I could use my account as a bookmark organizer for subs I was interested in.
Never posted anything however. Here I have alts with post history. Interacting is still taking some getting used to.
You being up an interesting point. Let’s expand electricity a little bit.
If I flip a switch the lights come on. I don’t need to understand it but someone does. And because electricity can be deadly of handled wrong, everyone in your proximity handles electricity the exact same way (and this is enforced via law). This means only a few people anywhere need to have the deep knowledge of how it works for the rest of us to get light.
Compare this to computing - sure you click the button and get Facebook but that button could be designed any number of ways. Like electricity the generation who tinkered is past (well passing), but unlike electricity firm standards on how to design your Facebook button have not been written in blood.
I for one am terrified of what the next 10 years of the business IT landscape is going to look like as we need to start absorbing kids who grew up on iPads.
As someone who manages a Google workspace instance currently, God I wish I had exchange for my email service.
If your installing, or deleting something and your package manager is modifying more then a few packages: stop, read and think about what your about to do.