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Cake day: July 1st, 2023

  • In my first year of high school I had Latin, which I hated with a passion. Before, I thought that it would boil down to learning some common words and sayings and proverbs, but no. It was learning latin as a foreign language. I don’t think I was taught anything remotely as useless as that. And I really don’t like the teacher and she didn’t like me and it was truly awful and I hated every second of it. It was so awful that I had nightmares about it, even years after high school.

    A couple (two I think) of years after that latin studies I saw the Life of Brian for the first time. I didn’t know what I was going to see, so when the “romanus eunt domus” scene came. It wasn’t just hilariously funny it was also cathartic.

    So I’d say that. I remember that sketch almost by heart since the first time I saw it.

  • Croatian “Ovce i novce” - literally sheep and the money. Same meaning as have your cake and eat it. “Kašika mu u med pala” - spoon fell into honey, meaning he got lucky “Tako ti je grah pao” - this is the way beans fell, meaning it is what it is “Izvukao si deblji kraj” - you got the fatter end, opposite meaning from you got the shorter end. It’s kind of a weird one, as it is also sometimes used to mean the same as the shorter end. “Da ti dupe puta vidi” - so your behind can see the trip. Meaning to travel for no special reason, usually used when a reason is given, but is probably just an excuse to travel