28 y/o sound technician from Spain. I like videogames.

trans rights

check out my album: https://limonadabebo.bandcamp.com

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 5th, 2023


  • “these traumatised people” lol. It’s not even about that. The most common CW that you probably use and enjoy is the NSFW warning. You understand that you might be at work and not wanting to see nudity or gore or other sensitive stuff, right? If you’re eating while you’re browsing posts, maybe you want a “CW: poop” before you open a post and barf a bit because you’re eating, not because you can’t handle poop.

    And yeah, “everyone else” is supposed to accommodate the minorities. Your rhetoric reeks of alt-right, I guess you’re “inconvenienced” by reserved parking spots, and for inclusive language, and want to “get rid of them” too?

  • That’s their problem. The thing here is you’re complaining about CW because you have to CLICK it, and can’t understand it’s useful for some people. Instead, you keep complaining and saying it’s useless.

    Can’t you be a bit empathic? Like “I don’t understand CW but some people want them, I can deal with having to click through the warning”. Or are you entitled to open things in one click over other people feeling comfortable?

  • “Snowflake is a derogatory slang term for a person, implying that they have an inflated sense of uniqueness, an unwarranted sense of entitlement, or are overly emotional, easily offended, and unable to deal with opposing opinions”

    idk, you keep using this word but it applies more to your comments than to people that are just dealing with trauma…

    Also, I don’t use filters but I’ve heard from people that do that they are bad cause they might filter some things you’re okay with. Context matters.

  • If you don’t see a difference between mocking people for their illness and mocking them for their anti-humanitarian views, I don’t know how to explain it to you.

    Cancer patients don’t decide to have cancer. White supremacists decide to be pieces of shit. Not the same.

    Also, cancer patients are not trying to eradicate human rights for everyone but themselves.

  • To be fair, my curiosity for the system when I was a kid came from having a win98 computer without internet or any games installed, other than some freemium CDs and a neo-geo emulator.

    I’d spend time just going through the menus, and I had no idea how anything worked, but it was interesting just seeing what was there. Also I spoke no English at all, so many things were out of my reach/understanding.

    If I had Steam and Minecraft? I wouldn’t have explored the OS so much. Probably. That stemmed out of boredom as much as from curiosity.